384 Rogue (5/8m last tier) and 382 Resto Druid (4/8m) looking for a home for Dazar.
We are looking to raid two nights a week Mon-Thursday between 8-12 ST.
Both very experienced raiders with logs from last tier to show. Guild we have been in for a long time fell apart to attendance boss and we are looking to go more casual. Not super interested in hard mythic progression, mostly looking for a casual Heroic clear guild.
We both play alts and the Rogue would be ok with tanking on a blood DK or switching to a shadow priest.
hit me up in game if you want to talk. Prewett#1635
Current Progression:
8/9 Normal Battle for Dazar’alor
6/9 Heroic Battle for Dazar’alor
0/9 Mythic Battle for Dazar’alor
Raid Times: W/Th/Sun 9-12 CST
Current Recruitment needs as of 1/30/2019
All DPS.
LF 1 healer pref. Resto shaman
Why Milk?
Chocolate Milk offers a progression-oriented raid team that seeks to maximize our limited time in game, while still being able to maintain a fun-loving and relaxed atmosphere. The core of our raiders are long term friends and family who have raided together for many years. Most of us are working professionals who have lives and duties outside of game, and we understand that this is a game, not a job.
What can milk offer you?
-Flexibility: We require 90%~ attendance, but we do understand that things happen. If you need to take a day or even a week off, we understand as long as you keep us posted.
-Stability: We will be raiding 3 days a week, with optional added days as needed.
-Good times: This is a game, and we are here to have a fun time above anything else. That being said, we do expect everyone to bring a high level of focus to raid to ensure we kill some bosses!
What you should offer milk:
- Working knowledge of the bosses we are facing, there are plenty of sites to get the info from.
- Discord, a headset, and a microphone.
- World of logs. We need to see what you can do with what you have!
- 90~ attendance.
Good and positive attitude throughout progression and a willingness to always improve .
Want to join?
If interested in joining please apply using the following link:
https:/ /docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfO8vs0caLUODRjqclp78b7XRiaGhNWPj_thyqZ9ZpWJJM0w/viewform?usp=sf_link
If you have any questions about the guild and/or the recruiting process, feel free to add us!