Rogue alliance race for PvP

Why isn’t dwarf the most picked alliance race for rogues? Doesn’t their racial work like a second cloak? What race do you like for rogue?

Yes, both Dark Iron and Normal dwarves racials works similarly to cloak. They both also remove bleeds. It comes in handy, but puts your trinket on a 30 sec cool down.

Personally Dark Iron/Dwarf is my favorite Alliance race and all I normally play. Big fan.



Dwarves are warcraft’s greatest mistake

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Says the elf.

Shadowmeld = Second Vanish + Blocks almost any targeted spell + AoE Fear if timed correctly.
Dwarf = Remove most dots + 10% damage reduction or damage buff.
Human = Lets you take tenacity and still have a stun trinket.

Nelf/Human. Both are the best for rated pvp. I think nelf has the edge though do to having another vanish.

Dwarf is also very strong, and totally overlooked.

I mean sure, but it would only be good against a comp with dots. You can use nelf/human racial in every single scenario.

True, well most comps anyway

people dont like how they look for one thing, dwarf isnt usually the top arena race either. min maxers dont play them, casuals that care about looks dont play them, doesnt leave many people left

Also true, gonna need to stab you now since you play a blood elf, it’s in my RP contract.

dwarf certainly isn’t bad but human racial + relent and shadowmeld are incredibly strong. did you know you can shadowmeld a touch of death to prevent the damage from going off?