Rogue 11.0.5 PTR notes and Feedback thread

Can we get some updated visuals? Blindside is the same visual as a warrior proc, and a Darkest Night visual could be a great opportunity to add more flavor for a lame hero talent.


So does Supercharger have an internal CD or does Shiv and Roll The Bones count seperately?

Two passive charges does sound pretty good, especially if Coup de Grace actually works with them.

Still no solution for Killing Spree to stop killing me in puddles and AoE, which kind of sucks, ngtl, but I can kick/Evasion/Cloak during Coup de Grace. That’s nice.

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I did some more testing with Sub and Outlaw and here is what I found.

Sub without Invigorating Shadowdust is back to being more of a precise spec when doing any form of content which is the core of the spec anyways. But the problem is that Kidney shot was nerfed to 30 seconds as well as Gouge having its CD increased. In term of survivability this hurts Sub the most and to an extent Assassination. The Gouge and Kidney Shot nerfs are noticeable even doing basic soloing/ leveling content.

Sub really needs to use Shadow Dance as a damage CD to be able to do solo content and not use it to stun lock with cheap shot. Can’t use Vanish offensively that much because it resets mobs most of the time.

Plus, without the healing of Soothing Darkness during Shadow Dance Sub is very, very squishy now on the PTR.

Recuperator doesn’t work properly so at this point Rogues are going backwards in terms of losing healing, survivability and CC.

Losing Sepsis hurts because you could use that as a on demand stun or way to use stealth openers while saving Vanish defensively. Or, when doing solo/leveling content you can actually use Sepsis as a DPS cool down for stealth opener damage windows.

Outlaw super charger and forced induction seems to function as the description states. It is pretty straight forward with how it works. But at the same time I wonder how will the entire class be balanced around this talent? What I am mean is how will finisher damage be balanced around even assuming you do not take super charger and forced induction?

Overall I feel that Rogues having CC nerfs to Kidney Shot and Gouge along with the loss of Sepsis means a loss of control. A loss of control for Rogues means = less surviability.

And since healing is nerfed or doesn’t work like Recuperator Rogues are very squishy on the PTR in general.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It only works with roll the bones for outlaw. Shiv is just an assassination thing, and symbols for sub.

They tied it to something low cd that the spec uses. If it worked with shiv for outlaw, it would have been pretty broken.

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Day four thousand of requesting a viable alternative build other than Vanish Dancing for Outlaw, because half the time it does not work in solo content


If someone from Blizz actually took the time to read the Rogue feedback forum before the launch of TWW, they would have noticed that many of the issues listed are not being addressed.

  1. Lack of Hero Fantasy: This is an MMORPG, not an esport. The fact that all Rogue trees are power-based and don’t feel cool / fun to play is a big problem. As an example, when Rider of the Apocalypse was announced, people got super excited because you could ride a horse while fighting, or summon other DKs. Even if is super passive, it still feels pretty cool. Rogue factions have a good amount of lore, which isn’t being used at all. I’m pretty convinced if you let players feel like a Defias member, Shado-Pan, Ravenholdt, SI:7, Shattered Hand, Gnomeragan Covert Ops, Red Hand, etc. Hero specs should be based around what makes Rogue fantasy interesting: Spymaster, Executioner, Sabotage and include teachings from different rogue factions.

  2. Assassination Rogue and stealth: the reasoning behind removing shadow dance access to Assa Rogue was to move away from Stealth, which is good because the Assa Rogue fantasy is more about poisons and bleeds. However, 5 talents in the SPEC tree rely on stealth. So, how does that make any sense? Fantasy-looking skills, like poison bombs, concoctions, and traps could replace these.

  3. Stealth breaks: Many players have encountered issues in which stealth breaks for no reason. This hasn’t been addressed.

Please, tune this game as an MMORPG, not an esport. Giving damage buffs is not moving away from Borrowed Power. Hero talents are not fun for Rogue.


I could not agree more on the Hero Talents point. Like what on earth is a “fatebound”?? Why the heck does a Trickster do nothing even vaguely Trickster-esque? Please, for the love of God, Blizzard, at least let us know you’re listening and you’re working on it


Without a Trace needs to do more than simply give us a second charge of Vanish. The second charge by itself is funtionally useless in the majority of situations. All a second charge does is provide flexibility regarding when to use the ability. Sin and Outlaw use it on cooldown. Sub almost does as well.

DH has the same type of talent with Down in Flames, yet that one reduced Fiery Brand CD by 25% in addition to giving the second charge. I dont know why we cant have consistency regarding these types of things. Makes 0 sense. You address a concern once and then when it comes around a year later its addressed as a completely new issue. Have Without a Trace reduce Vanish CD as well.

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Yall need to stop claiming this. If they wanted to move away from stralth theyd remove all the stealth based talents weve had at various points over the years. Improved Garrote, Master Assassin, Shrouded Suffocation and Iron Wire are all reasons for Shadow Dance to be kept. It was removed to appease people that for some reason hate pressing an off GCD button that encourages stealth (despite playing a rogue?) and gives access to utility.

There are 3 other capstones spots that need to replace (2 now if the new ER fares well). If you hate the stealth based gameplay go use those talents or call for your replacements of those capstones. Stealth isnt bad, its always been the fact that the other capstones were so weak in comparison. You can encourage build diversity without straight up killing one build.


Yeah absolutely, Deathstalker as a name? Well it’s basically the forsaken version of SI:7, doesn’t mean much but at least it’s a thing in universe.

Fatebound?!? What the hell was even the idea, I know some people like the coin but, damn…


Could not agree more. I hate Vanish Dancing so much it’s unbelievable, but I don’t want to take it away from the people who enjoy it. I just want genuinely viable alternatives, and actual Hero Talents


i would prefer

alchemist (poison theme) poison combinations or enhanced poisons or mix bleeds with poisons

nightblade (shadow theme) magic damage focus + shadow clones +shadow step core

trickster ( dirty fighter) more mobility + decoy for surprise + enhanced crowd controls
( dismantle+slow blind+sap vanish+blind gouge+knockback )


No, thanks. I want my pirate theme.

I don’t want two tastes of assassin and then a sorta street assassin as the last one. Come on.

They called it rogue and not just assassin for a reason. Someone who operates on the margins of the law.

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So the new ER is pretty underwhelming to say the least.

The Thistle Tea threshold of 30e is also not going to trigger much when using Outlaw while with Assassination is triggers frequently and to an extent Sub too.

Also a lot of the talents late in the tree are gated by 2 point requirements which seems extreme to me.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


wouldnt you like a skill like shadow image ESO/nightblade ?

ps:Hail Sithis!

true, vigor, supercharger and subterfuge should be 1 pointers so you can pick whichever 3 capstones you want.
right now you cannot go left middle right, not enough points, you’re forced to go either cold blood or deeper strat if you want 3 capstones

also it would be nice if they just deleted recuperator, since it doesn’t work and hasn’t worked for a few years now, and just replace it with the initial soothing darkness, which healed while you were in stealth. just stealth, not shadow dance.

or better yet, move the current soothing darkness to the middle, add a stealth component to its healing for 2% a second while in stealth, in addition to the 30% over 6 seconds after vanish, and replace the current soothing darkness with a shield when vanishing akin to cloaked in shadows, or straight up cloaked in shadows from sub (since it’s a choice node there and it doesn’t really need to be).

that way vanish will not insta break when someone spits in your general direction


Sure, but on the subtlety/assassination specs, not my outlaw cursed pirate captain aka Plunderlord.

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I’ve been having a continuous stealth break issue on final boss of raid. I am not taking a dot, but i think i’m breaking stealth right before ambushing since deathstalker’s mark is not going up. Even vanishign to reapply does not always put it up.


Agreed. Baseline CDR would be best. Replace the talent.


not all outlaws are pirates. there’s so many kinds of outlaws that aren’t pirates, most notably the highwayman. also any kind of masked vigilante.

the thing they have in common is using any tool available to get an edge, a “dirty fighter”, just like the old combat spec (including guns and cannons, if the options are available). that’s the avenue they should be pushing, flavor-wise.