Rogue 11.0.5 PTR notes and Feedback thread

Not a fan of the Thistle Tea changes. Make it a choice node, or put the Mastery buff directly into Deathmark or something.

The last thing I want is a kick (which–in this economy–shouldn’t cost energy) or something else mechanics based popping me below 50 and burning my tea before I need that mastery buff. With this change I’d have to constantly pool above 100 just to be safe. That’ll be fun, I’m sure.

Aside from that, I’d love to see changes to Deathstalker’s Mark application! If it has to be on Ambush, then maybe let Blindside proc’s trigger it too? Or better still, tie it to garrote or rupture? Something a little more Assassination spec flavoured?

Either way, we need something aside from using our 2 minute Vanish cooldown, which is already DPS tied to Deathmark and Kingsbane to apply Deathstalker’s Mark in the myriad of situations where we either don’t get it because we’re not given the opportunity to stealth, or we lose it because of a complex set of punishing rules between it and Darkest Night.

I mean seriously? If we kill the mob with Deathstalker’s Mark, and get Darkest Night, then kill the the next mob with Envenom while trying to reapply Deathstalker’s Mark, we lose Darkest Night and don’t get the mark. Or how about scenarios where a mob phases or drops threat etc.? I know Ulgrax, the first boss in the raid breaks us when he phases.

Lastly, I’d love for more visual flair. I’m not even sure what there is in the way of visual style for Rogues, aside from a flipping coin and some shadows around our hands from time to time?

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