This game is frustrating me to no end.
I have 6 blues that need to be replaced, and it gives me this as my vault rewards. When I already have the helm.
h ttps://
This game is frustrating me to no end.
I have 6 blues that need to be replaced, and it gives me this as my vault rewards. When I already have the helm.
h ttps://
Ong please just post the link. Its imgur
Hey I didn’t even know the vault could drop weapons until I saw it happen to someone else. In my 3 years of vaulting I’ve literally never gotten a weapon once on any toon.
I cannot. It says I don’t have permissions to do that.
Man atleast you got a teir pce
I already have the 4 set… I haven’t gotten a single piece I can use the ENTIRE season on any of my healers. There’s no way this is not on purpose.
You don’t want to be grabbing stuff that can be purchased with conquest anyways. Just grab the spark fragment and whip up your own piece which likely has better weights.
Do what i do and sneak your way into hc abberuses and get transmog pces. Pvp vaulrs legit garbage and gives you pces you already have. So just do abberus and fill out your lection log
I have 4 sparks, but no conquest tokens.
This!! You want the gems anyway, to point in season where most important slots can all be filled with conquest.
If you get all of the gem slots its like having 2 extra pieces with vers/(insert stat). You have to get those from vault.
Yeah it’s cool to get the sockets but not having 6 blue pieces of gear when everyone else is fully geared is not.
There should never be a time when you get 3 helmets as an option. Especially when you are in half blues.
Great, then grab sockets.
Yeah, I’ve got blues but the Vault decided to give me an Epic I’ll use to cover a lesser-Epic, the World PvP upgraded gear.
Still an upgrade, just not nearly as beneficial.
I just can’t comprehend having 4 healers, capping every single vault since s2 started and not a single piece of useable gear has been in the vaults. When does conquest become uncapped? When do we get to have the same gear as everyone else?
This might be a valid complaint early in the season but we’re at like 6k conquest. Why can’t you just go buy the gear i don’t understand
What do you even mean? There isn’t enough conquest to cap to buy all the pieces???!
Mix-matching conquest gear with World PvP gear and crafted gear should get the job done.
What crafted gear? I don’t have any conquest tokens? The only one I have is for the pieces I already have.
What world gear equates to 450 ilvl pieces?
IIRC there’s a 10.1 quest that should grant you that
And then use a smidge of conquest on another crafted piece
The rest can be filled in with world pvp gear until you accumulate enough conquest to purchase the desired pieces.
None. But 447 ilvl is a lot better than the 437 from the blue pieces. 447 vs 450 shouldn’t make that big of a difference in most matchups.