RNG is not making me play more but less

Many of the casters on my raid team have had to farm the same trinkets from mythic plus several times this expansion, just st progressively higher ilvls. Fun, right?


Jesus, I hadn’t even considered that raid player’s best items might be in M+ … That adds a whole new level of awful to it. Feel sorry for you guys.

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…why have you played WoW for however long you have then? Anything above max level has ALWAYS been RNG.

RNG is at an all time worst state right now. On the bright side, I don’t think blizz could make it any worse.

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don’t challenge them

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I actually didn’t do any keys this last week on any characters, and it felt nice cause i wasn’t disappointed when i didn’t open my chest :slight_smile:


I have looked up my upgrades, and for base 430, I have none from any M+ dungeon, so it has to forge to be worth my time, loot-wise… no benthic upgrades… and our guild raid in EP has been a drought for me… I’m using two weapons from Mythic + run grinds.

Effort vs Reward and total RNG dependency makes the game no longer fun to me.

Shhhh lets keep this RNG box going. I’m slowly and surely developing a immunity to the lure of randomized money. Soon I shall be able to walk thru vegas and just enjoy the décor and sights.

I already developed a immunity to commercials this will just add to my growing super powers!


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BfA Items I’m pretty sure aren’t even hand crafted anymore. This isn’t something I claim to know, but I’d bet all my gold that every single piece of gear in BfA is generated instantly for all classes using some automated tool the dev team cooked up that makes sure all classes remain balanced and that’s why all gear has this dull, synthetic feeling to it like you described here:

Just look at a Classic item like the Skull of Impending Doom. Gear this interesting simply does not exist at all in BfA where you get a free 60% speed boost for 10 seconds that deals damage to self and prevents polymorph and fear effects from enemies. Juicy and interesting loot like this simply doesn’t exist anymore because it’s all generated by scripts rather than human beings.


I was planning on doing some PVP this season in BFA on my arms warrior… but after running KR 14 times and no weapon drop, I just gave up. It’s also sad how I’m nowhere near as viable in PVP… without that weapon from an M+.

The RNG is ultimatly what made me quit playing retail. I have been around since the beginning. Coming and going through expansions when things got real irl.

Though I must say that Legion was a good expansion, there were many aspects of it I loathed to the point of quitting if it were not for my guild (legiondaries RNG and the Weapon progression system BORING)

Since Cata, the game has seen a significant decline in depth, replaced with RNG tredmills, bland shallow content, and artificially slow content.

LFR though fun at times, just added another layer of bs i had to do each week. All the different Raid difficulties, the same.

I would take a slightly dumbed down raid scene with more RPG depth, less RNG tredmills (give us a raid currency or something), and more class uniqueness.

I was so hyped for BFA expecting it to keep with the new trend of Legion with lots of content fast, lots of shiney stuff to do, etc… The problem was, they did. And I quickly realized how after 2 expansions, doing world quests for rep, jsut so i could get that shiney new Allied race, to do it again just with a different avatar… became REALLY boring. The worst part was i felt compelled to do them regardless. I have more than a few times gotten Titanforged amazing world drops. I got a trinket off a world drop that is so good i wont replace it until Mythic Ashvane.

I miss the old rep grinds of Vanilla/BC era. I like knowing if I really REALLY want to. I can poop sock the crap out of those war beads and have my rep as quickly… or as slowly, as I want. And the goal wasnt because i might get a bonus piece of gear, money, or other things that inadvertently feel necessary. it was a status symbol thing, that sweet rare mount, the tabard, or the pets.

the reps were hard, tedious, and completely unnecessary. In BFA everyone has the rep. if you finish the expansion without max reps in all, you either rerolled or you are a raid logger. There is no prestige anymore.

When 8.0 hit i leveled, and promptly quit before the first raid even came out. I coldnt even bring myself to play anymore. When 8.2 came i figured i would give it a fair shot. I enjoyed it and i got all the rep and did all the stuff I wanted to and promptly quit again when i realized it was the same old rat wheel.

I am playing classic now. I love classic, it has its serious issues but i knew that back then. But I dont play to be the best min maxing pleb… I just want ot have fun. I want to play the class, I want to experience my class as its own unique entity. rather than a tool for raids forcing me to choose the most appropriate one each tier…

I hope next expansion they pull back a bit on the grinding and RNG. I hope they put some old school reps in, and i really hope they bring back leveling as a meaningful investment as well as any pre raid content. Stop making it so easy to literally jump into LFR within 2 days of hitting max, it literally ruins all pre raid content within weeks of launch without Mythic +


Gear like this very much exists in BfA, many of the items from Crucible and EP have interesting uses and effects.

Items like the Nifty Stopwatch and Skull of Impending doom have been changed over their lifetime so it’s not as though human-created items are without faults.

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I hear this a lot, and will often hear the dev team subconsciously admit this whenever they stream their Q&As. The worse case was the announcement of Mechagon where we could level our dailies “EFFICIENTLY”… I mean come on, just shows this expansion has no heart, just performance metrics and loot tables. There’s not that many emotional experiences in BfA that classic was designed from the ground up to deliver.

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I agree, BFA feels like a placeholder for real content.
8.2 is a definite up from 8.1, but 8.1 set the bar really low, so that’s not saying very much.

Loot drought is real, especially when it comes to weapons anmd being able to plot a course, set a goal, go after something and feel good about it…

It’s hard to feel good about RNG… you did nothing for that. Blind luck sucks and does nothing to inspire the base.

People need to keep in mind that before the launch of Classic, people were talking about how FFXIV had either already caught up or would soon catch up to WoW in subs. And many people who fled to FFXIV complained about the RNG in WoW and how FFXIV had an established BiS.

The RNG system is pushing people away and leading to WoW’s decline.

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So many quit raiding EP right after getting AOTC.
So many quit retail to play Classic as a last ditch effort, but how long will that really last?

The RNG system absolutely is pushing people away because it has no safe guards to work for the player. It always works against them.

I agree and I really hope they do something. This is a game I love and I have beenn playing it almost half of my life. I would honestly be very sad to see it go. As much as I want to crap on BFA, I WANT IT TO BE GOOD.

I want to love it. I want to feel like i need to make irresponsible choices in order to not miss out on anything. Not because if i don’t do my dailies today I will fall behind tomorrow, but because I genuinely love the content.


You know the other part of the “RNG keeps you playing!!” argument that fails?

You have to imagine Blizzard as Darden Restaurant, Inc. You know: Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, Longhorn Steakhouse, etc.

Now, the INDIVIDUAL store owners might care where you eat. When you drive past a strip mall, you’ll often see an Olive Garden next to a Longhorn. When you choose to eat at Longhorn, that’s money that OG isn’t making.


Similarly, during WoD when things were at a record lull of boredom and I found myself playing less Warcraft… I played more Diablo. I played more Starcraft. I played HotS.

My sub was still active… Blizzard shouldn’t care that I play their other games. In fact, they should STRONGLY SUPPORT THIS as it increases their overall revenue stream if I’m involved with more of their games.

When this RNG hell locks me into WoW, their other games stagnate. I can’t think of a single compelling reason to actually want this.

Maybe I’m in the minority in that I play a variety (actually, ALL) of the Blizzard IPs, but … actually, I don’t think I am. Maybe not ALL, but I would bet the greater percentage of people play at least two other Blizzard games. Remove this RNG wall and give us back the time to enjoy those other games!

unfortunately Diablo and other games they have are one time purchases that have no long term revenue for them. Which is probably one of hte biggest reasons that overwatch and WoW are constantly being udpated while Starcraft and Diablo stagnate for a decade or more

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