6/6 Sunwell Plateau is recruiting! We’re looking for talented and experienced players for Classic TBC who have a mind to perform at a high level. With Sunwell cleared we are setting our sites forward on Wrath and everything that comes next.
Our Standard Raid Times:
Tuesday: 8pm - 11:30pm server time
Thursday: 8pm - 11:30pm server time
We do occasionally extend half an hour if we are close to a kill or trying to clear in one night.
Progression/PTR Schedule:
During progression or periods of time when the Classic PTR is available a 3rd raid day will be added to take advantage of this resource for learning fights. This will be based on when the PTR is available.
Raider Expectations: A detailed version of our expectations are available on our discord; in brief:
- Come to raid with proper consumables and preparation for a full night of high performance. This means proper gear sets, flasks and preparation on boss strategies.
- 90% Attendance is required of all raiders, we keep a lean roster to avoid benching. Respect your fellow raiders time and notify us if you are going to miss a week.
- Raiders are expected to maintain a raid viable split character and in Wrath an offspec. These characters will be used to secure valuable loot at a greater rate for progression.
Loot Distribution: We use a loot council; loot is awarded based on the following criteria: Performance, Attendance, Raid Preparation, Helpfulness, and Strength of Upgrade.
Currently we are recruiting the following classes to fill core spots within the team for the completion of Sunwell Plateau and preparation for the next adventure into Northrend.
*Resto Shaman
Enhancement Shaman
Holy Paladin
Ele Shaman
Ret Paladin*
We are also happy to consider any exceptional applicants of classes that are not listed.
Please visit our discord at discord.gg/RNGguild for additional information and fill out an application at the bottom of the read first section, you can also contact myself or Thandorr (Thandorr#1278) with any questions