RJW shower thought

RJW should last until you break hit combo and bonus scale off haste.


That actually sounds pretty cool

Cool idea for sure, the spell definitely needs a usability change to not be frustratingly redundant with spinning crane kick in AOE.

During BfA they tested out a bunch of ways to handle RJW. Personally my favorite was when it was a toggle that cost energy per second. The problem was that if you ever fell below the energy cost, it would turn off and you’d have to spend a GCD to turn it back on. It would work much better if it reduced your energy regen instead of costing energy per second.

Right now the spec is so flooded with resources that losing 3 energy per second would be much less noticeable than in the past.

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I just want jadefire stomp gone. RJW can do whatever really but it would be nice to have one less dead talent. Does blizz ever reach out to you on anything for ww nowadays?

Has Blizz ever reached out to the players for anything considering WW?

I thought Babz has interacted with them a time or two before hasn’t he?

Nothing directly.

You don’t know? Babs is a Warcraft Dev

Pretty sure he’s spent more time on monk than blizz has.