Rivermouth Fishing Hole - Nets Gone?

I put up the 2 nets last night and when I went to collect them it only was showing to set up the nets again. Unsure if they despawn after a certain time if you don’t collect after the 10 hours, if I have to go somewhere else to collect it, or if it bugged out.


Im having the same issue this morning. Setup 2 nets yesterday, went to go check on them just now and theyre both completely gone. Cant setup new ones either, just nothing there anymore.


I’m also having this issue. It’s my first night of casting nets, and I leveled my Iskaara renown to 6 and crafted the next fishing item - the bone charm - this morning before checking, if that helps.

Edit: after leveling renown once or twice I went back, and they are there but very very hard to spot. Very small net, blends in, no bar overhead like the timer bar. Can’t be sure now if they were always there or not.

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yeah my 2 nets from yesterday are gone too
do you have to collect them on the same day if so thats a little ridiculous it has a 10 hour timer

I noticed my fishing nets went missing yesterday when I went to collect them and are still not showing up as of today.

same issue here. wtf is going on. there’s not even any pics or videos of people collecting it. tuskarrs stole my fish?

I’ve been setting fishing nets for a few days now, and they have never worked for me. The timer pops up for 10 hours in River Mouth, I come back and there is just a reset net node, nothing to pick up. This has been repeated multiple times. Would love to know what’s going on here, or if I’m just wasting my time?

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Follow up, as of today suddenly fishing net results have become collectible for me.

Also experiencing this.

I’ve had this happen on numerous days. I’ve only been able to collect fish maybe 3 times since launch.

Follow up again, fishing nets are back to resetting constantly. I thought maybe it was the fishing dailies that unlock a blocked net, so I tried collecting before picking up quests, but that didn’t help either.

Still happening. What is the point of this? Can anyone say whether it’s even worth it when it works? How many fish are you getting?

When it works I typically get about 15 Scalebelly Mackerel, and sometimes an additional item like the Wire for a later Tuskaar recipe or a vendor grey. Very occasionally some other kind of fish but it’s almost always Mackerel.

After the weekly reset, there was a patch note about fixing nets further. Keeping an eye on it to see if I see the problem pop up again. As of this morning, net collection is looking good.

I have none of the net upgrades yet, but my loot was
[Scalebelly Mackerel]x7
[Thousandbite Piranha]x5
[Scalebelly Mackerel]x15
[Scalebelly Mackerel]
[Scalebelly Mackerel]x11

Assuming this all works properly now, it’s not a huge benefit, but a nice volume of materials for a couple clicks of effort.