Underrot +10 with teeming in a pug... actually just so aids.. lmao but I stuck it out
Method got World First!!
Poor Limit had a .4% wipe too
Limit World Second now.. nice ;D
Well sef bugs to compete with all the other ww... yay... cmon blizz please fix this lol
I do wonder whether or not Limit would have gotten World First if they just hadn't extended, considering how quickly they killed him once they got back into the raid after Method did.
Got an 80g quest for hearthstone ;D
Teeming this expac is actually pretty rough
I'm surprised no other guilds have gotten ghuun yet dang
I spoke to soon, exorsus, and memento killed it last night xD
I am ready to kill Zekvoz .. hopefully Vectis too for that matter ;D
Potion bug's on zekvoz??
Zek'voz down!!
Finger's Crossed for Vectis tonight ;D
Got a 370 trinket from King's Rest ;D
I am pretty hyped for 8.1
Accidently hit pass instead of roll on the one boss I wanted to coin most ;(
Did all the warriors just quit wow? LOL
Ugh gotta switch to a provider in my provider network ;(
Looks like some nice Karma changes in 8.1, now I just have to hope that they add in at least a small compensation buff to another ability.