<Rivalry> 9/9M Two Day Weekend Guild LF Warlock/Ele

Wonder how the ama will go? I have a feeling ppl on reddit are just gonna try to destroy him.. but i'd rather if we just had legit questions he could give us answers too
Well 2 US guilds killed Fetid before EU, maybe just maybe they have a shot this time?
Ugh having trouble sleeping ;(
Well rip the US dreams.. Method already took the lead again lol
I hope mythic mother isn't still bugged tonight.. been hearing conflicting reports lol
Got a 100% for ilvl parse on mythic mother, then realized we didn't have the warrior ap buff for the kill.. rip the rank 1 chance :( lol
Seems like Mythrax is actually a pretty intense fight. This may be the first entry raid in years to last longer than the first week.
Need a warrior plz!! I'm going through scrolls like crazy now lol
Well Limit killed before Method holy crap!
Method got Mythrax now as well! Should be a close race ;)
Yay 1800 rating in time for weekly cache ;D
Well Limit is done day raiding tomorrow so there goes there ghuun advantage :(
A guildie gave me a ghost shark for free when I was talking about wanting one.. he is actually such a nice guy!!
Is there just a lack of warriors looking for guilds now? ;(
I just can't get this anubisath idol to drop even clearing ahn quiraj on 3 toons a week rip
Well Method is done raiding for tonight.. fingers crossed Limit can get it!
Wellll rip my sweet 90k rsk crits lol
Getting a nerf to the trait tomorrow ;(
Praying for an azerite piece out of my cache, especially since SR sucks now xD
No azerite, but I did get 2 15 ilvl upgrades so not too bad :)
Looks like Limit may be regretting the extension.