Ritual of Refreshments and Ritual of Prayer

Since we’re not going to be seeing TWW for quite sometime, I don’t think its too late to ask for an OG mage spell back. Priests should have a ritual spell as well. Warlocks shouldn’t be the only spellcaster with a ritual spell.

A bonus would be if conjured mage food would give the “well fed” bonus stat.

Mages already bring a stat buff. And I guess I am not against a ritual of refreshment. But it feels pretty useless?

There could be some tweaks to RoR. Having your fellow players assist with the ritual would grant a bigger mage table. Maybe offering vegetables or poultry. I don’t think it should be limited to just sweets.

The bigger mage table could then give a “well fed” stat. A lesser one, so cooking doesn’t get so much affected.


I dont think mages should bring multiple stat buffs.

And it doesnt matter what the food is.

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So whats the harm in adding it?

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Didnt say there was any harm.

Like if I was in a raid and I saw a mage trying to conjure it…I would just chuckle and ignore it.


Then that’s your choice – I’ll find other people. But I still feel that Warlocks shouldn’t be the only ones with a ritual spell.

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I just think you’d have a better chance of it being implemented if you found a way to make it useful.

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idk man, we have enough problems getting people to click on Ritual of Summoning as it is.


I just posted multiple times now that it could offer the “well fed” stat. It could be customizable, so it offers more than just sweets. A lesser “well fed” stat, so cooking doesn’t get much impact. The bigger objective is to bring teamwork closer together and provide insight that Warlocks shouldn’t be the only ones with a ritual spell.

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If you add something like that it will take away from ME always being the first to plop down my feasts so someone’s dumb add on can go “OOH rich Nui dropped a feast!” “Eating now nom nom” “All done eating, burp fart!”

I earned that! You may not take it away from me.

Edit: on a serious note, I think people will complain that it may detract from cooking and make mages a “must” pick or whatever.

In my opinion, a better idea is to have a ritual of mana gems for casters and healers. I’d personally LOVE that to compliment the health stones warlocks provide.


That’s because it doesn’t exist right now. But I’m sure that if it were to come back, my guild mates would have no problem clicking on a portal bubble for tasty pastries.

Heck, this is even better than RoR.

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I mean Mages already do… we ritually cast portals.

Same with priests they ritually cast Resurrection… often…

You have my support if you can get people to click on my ritual.

(Seriously though, as someone who loves playing Mages too, I’m not terribly opposed to the idea.)

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A ritual often involves a group of people to participate in a certain event. Mages only have to click one button to cast a portal. Or teleport.

Or, (IDK How convoluted this would be to implement) bring back one of those weird stats they got rid of a while back like “Multihit”

Yes, and I am not sure mages should bring a well fed stat buff on top of int.

Sure. And I think that I would look at other avenues myself. shrug

Ya but other players need to click the mage portal to teleport :slight_smile:

That was joke post.

In all seriousness no, rituals shouldn’t come back. They suck because people never click on them.

Warlocks only have Summoning (which probably should just be changed to function like meeting stones only requiring 1 other player to summon the closet) and Ritual of Doom which is unique and on a 1 hour CD.

I can’t take jokes through texted communication. I’m bad at that.

Group issue. Guild mates and friends would be happy to assist.

Would stick to secondary stats, or primaries. Multi strike is perhaps never coming back.

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