Can’t complete the above quest which is requirement for the NF campaign. Channel the ritual, kill mobs, and ritual target disappears before ritual can complete. PLEASE FIX
Having the same issue on my druid. Please fix blizzard. This is the second character and second covenant campaign quest that is bugged. This is not acceptable.
same thing happened to my druid, when you pick up the quest the drust we have to purify instantly dissapears
Exact same for me npc dissappears making quest unfinishable.
Same problem here with my pally
Same here with my Warlock.
Same problem for me on this toon (Hunter)
I cannot abandon the quest to try and reset it nor does logging in and out do anything.
Same problem… NPC dies during quest.
Got to 62% and then it bugged out and she dropped dead…
Same problem for me. Got to 37% and the npc fell over dead.
same here… got to 43% and he ded
update: found a work around. turn WM on and come back.
Confirmed, turning WM on and coming back worked
Same issue, but, I didn’t have to turn WM on. I just ported to Oribos and then came back.
Can confirm that switching to war mode and going back does allow you to see her and complete the quest. I assume it works do to it putting you in a different instance from the first one.
I am also having this bug, but the bug seems to stem from not filling the progress bar before the NPC dies. Bugging the quest
My friend is having the exact same problem. I tried to sync with her, and saw that the NPC completely disappears. Why no abandon button?
Update: The Warmode method DID work, however is a completely inconvenient workaround… Again, still think this problem would be solved with an “Abandon Quest” button.
Having the same issues here sadly… what to do
Had the bug occur when the cast bar reached 75%, and the moment I killed the last of my current wave of spawned mobs, the NPC dropped dead immediately. My wife was doing the quest at the same time and we were in a group, so we thought that might have been the issue.
We first tried having her turn in the quest and turning on party sync, but that didn’t help anything. My NPC was still dead and none of her progress transferred over. I was curiously able to share the quest but the abandon function is unavailable, even though that would have easily fixed the entire problem with the bug in the first place.
Next, I tried just going back to Oribos and returning to Ardenweald, as was suggested. This yielded no results either, as returning still brought me back to the phase where the NPC was dead and I could not continue.
Lastly, I did the War Mode trick and that worked, allowing me to complete the last 25% of the quest I needed. The NPC died immediately as my progress bar reached 100% and there was a shout from another NPC that I assume is also triggered by completing the progress bar. I’m guessing that there’s probably a flag that immediately kills the quest NPC that triggers when someone reaches 100%, but also kills the NPC of anyone else currently doing the quest in the same phase, since people have had the problem occur at random other percentages. I just happened to be in a party with my wife doing the same quest at the same time and she completed it just a little quicker than I did, since I’m a healer and she’s a hunter.
Definitely broken. Try to make sure you’re not doing it at the same time as anyone else, I guess?