Ritual of Doom

Genuine question, what is the point of it? It’s a one hour cooldown ability that despawn when it wipe, it can easily die if the Warlock doesn’t pay attention to it and quickly control it and the moment it gets actually used it’s nerfed by 90%. Completely honest question, if it’s just for the memes why the huge cooldown? I love meme skills like Corpse Explosion, but you know it’s meme and it’s just for this, it has basically no cooldown, it’s basically a toy. I just wonder what they want this ability to be.


A ritual done by a bunch of people in a circle, one of them gets sacrificed to summon a big bad Demon.

That’s what Warlocks are supposed to be all about.

It’s not supposed to be used as a core part of gameplay because it’s cumbersome and probably not fun for the player who gets sacrificed, but we have to be able to do it.

Then why a whole hour cooldown? Is that like a ritualistic rule, to not summon the same demon each hour? It could summon a random different demon each time, like a little elite that scales with level, that acts more like a mini boss, 10min cooldown? Would be a lot funnier I think.