<Risk> Recruiting for our Sunday Night Raids

Guild Name: Risk
Server: Pagle | Horde
Times: Sunday 7-10 PM ST
Loot Distribution: Open Roll
Discord Tag: @Omega#1356
Guild Roster: 150+ members
Progression: 10/10 MC and 1/1 Ony, downing Rag for 8 weeks now.

We are veteran players all over the age of 30 who all started out in classic WoW as horde players, and have raided all the way up through BFA and Mythic Jaina. On our discord you will see reminiscing photos of our classic accomplishments and our love for the game itself.

The focus of this raid night is for the casual player who want to enjoy the content on a 1 night basis without the commitment to a core raid team. Sunday Nights would be strictly MC 7-10 ST and if you would like you can join us on our Onyxia Split Raids.

While our core group is currently full, this is also the most opportunist way of getting into the guild, slowly getting gear, and getting to build a rapport with the other guildies in case a core raid spot does open up.

Friday nights we like to take a load off once we hit 60 play other games like Dead by Daylight, Deceit, Hearthstone and Magic the Gathering Arena.

We welcome all members, new to vanilla or old veterans, we will help push you in the right direction and look forward to you joining our guild. Feel free to message me in game or on my discord tag listed above.

Open Positions:
Main Tank - Closed
Main Off Tank - Closed
Rogue - High Priority
Priest - Low
Mage - High Priority
Druid - Medium
Dps Warrior - Medium
Warlock - High Priority
Shaman - High Priority
Hunter - Closed

Also now recruiting for our core raid team.

Tues/Thurs 8-11 ST.

Looking for 1 dps Warrior, 1 Rogue and 1 Warlock.

Filled dps warrior spot for main core team. Still need rogue and warlock for main core team.

Still need all but hunters and tanks for Sunday casual raid.

Interested in the sunday raid, added you waiting for you to come online to get details.