Rise of the Fel-Races

So, with the Man’ari joining the Alliance working with the Draenei (They may not be chummy best-pals but they’ve come to an accord of sorts) it makes way to consider other fel-subraces (Those which are an off-shoot to already playable races & models) to come into the fold as playable via customisations.

For our lucky runner ups, we have:

  1. The Fel-Orcs! – Further exposure turned these peace-loving greenies into red rage rockstars! You see Quartermaster Dekrok in the blasted lands aligned with the Horde, along with some Hordie portal-sentries in their gloomy portal room, so making an official recognition would be nice for those redbull loving trouble party-goers, because let me tell you, they know how to throw … A rager! :metal: :smiley:
    1. The Felblood Totem! – You may recognise these emerald antlered blood-bois from your adventures in Highmountain, but these fel-infused Highmountain Tauren can’t ALL be bad – Right!? Mind you, they had their whole tribe shoehorned into the contract via demon blood versus … well, death. So you can probably see why even those that disagreed would’ve taken a sip – or even a couple of gulps, out of peer-pressure. The Bloodtotem have some honourable stories (Skychaser legacy) amongst their peoples history and despite their grizzly history have their own respect for various traditions along with glorious ambitions!! Lets raise a glass (Preferably not of fel-blood) and drink to them aiding Azeroth alongside our heroes! :clinking_glasses:
  1. Fel-Iron Dwarves! – Now you may be asking yourself: “Whoa K.H, what’s the go with these guys!?” — But we all know that the Dark Iron Dwarves with Fel-glowing beards instead of orangey red glowing beards would be cool as hell … Fel … You know what I mean :eyes: - However I’m sure our newly allied Man’ari pals can hook us up and get our dwarves a safe infusion for some chaotic power & neat looks. :sunglasses: :green_heart:
    1. The Felblood Elves! – And last up on this particular list, we have our Felblood Elves! These jadey-glowing radical elven lot swore their allegiance to their king Kael’Thas Sunstrider to his dying end … But not all of theirs. :smirk: This cunning lot know how to smuggle a good time into a party, when I was at a fel-orc rager and wanted some fel-weed ~ These guys came in tuxedos ready to tango like they read my mind.
      … Little did I know though, they were spies for the Sin’dorei fel-control who would infiltrate the heavier market and stop the fel-blood market – So there’s that too!! The fel is still utilised well in the ranks of Silvermoon, as well as the light — It’s just done in secret. When the tuxxed felbloods used their flashy device that made everyone lose their memory, I took off my sunnies and realised there’s more than what the Sin’dorei lead everyone to believe. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Personally I feel the Felblood elves should be Blood Elves only, as the fel was more their department than the Void Elves (who originally was meant to be void only).

And there you have it folks!

Sure you could add in perhaps a few more ‘less-intense’ features such as races with ‘scars from the Legion’ like updating the Night Elves burn mark on their face with fel-cracks, or perhaps tweak other details like having the Nightborne with fel-glowy hands & runes instead of arcane and perhaps more – but for the more noticeable ones, the list above is what I shove as we release the doves and declare peace on the war of customisations.

:thinking: What fel-customisations would YOU like to see? :scream:


If you give a mouse a fel-cookie…


It’s still a mouse.
However if you give a mouse a fel-cookie and some demon blood.
… You have yourself something that’s looking a tad more aggressive than your typical common mouse you saw before. :grimacing:

On the note of the fel and customisations, I feel the humans could probably use some more magical customisations too. Giving Human-Warlocks some fel-customisations would be pretty neat. If you gave mage the green-fel appeal for their fire-spells, I’d probably argue the appeal for human-mage too (Throw in a little reference to Medivh).

Although this is a fel-subjected-thread, the possibilities it could extend towards via customisation are inspirational to the imagination to what may lay beyond. :grin:

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This sounds seriously fun.


only a thing:


nothing more than that, and that the use of the Warglaive be extended to other classes, that’s all.

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I absolutely concur with this statement.

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Personally I’m not a fan of the whole ‘All Races = All Classes’ ordeal, from a lore perspective at least – However I do feel they could certainly be opened up to many, many more. :slight_smile:

Not that I don’t necessarily disagree with that (They defs should be useable by warriors, especially Night elves) – I would like to politely ask to keep somewhat on topic & not derail the thread subject :slight_smile:

Otherwise I would suggest making a strong flexing thread of your own, about spreading the joy of warglaives beyond just demon hunters (Heck, I’ll be popping a ‘like’ on that thread myself).

Yeeeaah! :grin:
Would also be cool if they added in some unique voice-emotes with certain customisations too. Like if you got the fel-customisation, you would also get more darker / gritty & fel-referenced dialog in your /silly and /flirt lines along with it. :yum:

On the note of Demon Hunters, you could probably use the introduction of fel races to show questlines that there large order of disorder has broken into various outskirts seeking vengeance or a comeback, along with split factions of the Legion wanting to seize control of their own orders (Akin to the Scourge without the control of a Lich King now) and aim to rain down chaos in glee or increase their power through insidious means.

That’d give demon hunters more purpose too in their class-identity, reflecting that demons still need to be hunted and they should always be on the look out, as the insidious tempting power of the fel wasn’t erased with the downfall of the Legion… That Illidan had meant more than the minions of the void when he said they’ll need to be prepared for enemies gathering and shadows growing darker.

The Blood Elves having a MIB organisation towards dealing with the Fel would be kinda cool.

I miss little agencies within factions – Alliance still have the SI:7 but the Horde don’t really have much that seems relevant (Shattered Hand rogue organisation is a big ole “Who?” due to their inactivity).

Given the Belves more dabbling than just ‘The Light only’ would be neat too, especially with the fel – Give the Horde some of that dark intensity back, of what it use to have.

Would be neat if you could add in customisations earned via achievements. Like if you’ve completed Vault of Incarnates, you can get elemental scars brimming with fire / frost / electricity – or if you’ve done Antorus, you can have fel-scars & such. Loads of possibilities there … T’would give me more motivation towards various content too :joy:

I think Fel-Gnomes would be awesome, especially when they could make an army of Fel-Reavers :grin:

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You could make a little questline about how they think Lepergnomes are back, only to find out they’re FEL-gnomes. :joy:

However, I feel the Fel-reavers would be more something Fel-goblins would make than Fel-gnomes :thinking: … That’d be a cool con-joined questline actually.

If each (goblin & gnome) found intel of a small figure that built a fel-reaver in Azeroth which was now causing havoc & kidnapping gnomes and goblins for their fel-experiments. Leading to a debate when they agreed to work together (greater good & all) to whether it was a fel-gnome or a fel-goblin mastermind — Only to find out … it was both! We defeat the masterminds & free the kidnapped only to discover the fel-experiments transformed them (Oh no!) with the energies, yet they still had their mind in tact … mostly.

Gnome: Oh no! This is the void elves all over again!
Goblin: Oh no! This is the orcs … or the blood elves… Or the Blood Tote’ — ugh too many to count, all over again! … :thinking: Hmm, I should invest into pamphlets against fel-abuse. :money_mouth_face:

Given many demons are fel-infused aliens from outta space, that’d actually be quite fitting too. lol

But Op we have Chaos in the Alliance.

It’s you guys the Void Elves, Dark Irons, Kul’tirans, Worgen, Undead Night Elves, and now Man’ari Draenei.

What’s next Broken, Undead Humans, and etc?

Then this happens.

I’m still waiting for my Leper Gnomes.

And no, I don’t want to play a DK Gnome. (I am thankful they’ve got that green skin, though.)

I already have a Mecha DK lol. Seemed like a mini Terminator.

@ what statement? :eyes:
The Demon Hunters to all, warglaives to all – or my overall thread? :sweat_smile:

Part of why I suggested Felblood Elves being a customisation for Blood Elves only, as the fel should be more their department than the Void Elves (who originally was meant to be void only).

Giving some fel storyline back to the bloodelves would also help give them back that old identity many loved when they were first introduced. Simply dumping that upon the void elves too would just be taking even more away from blood elf identity all for themselves, whilst also further removing more of their void-identity that was meant to separate them.

… Alas, out of the short list I provided there’s three Horde suggestions and only one Alliance suggestion — So Alliance won’t go too overboard in the chaos theme, and still maintain their overall theme for their faction.

This is unfair to fel void elves everywhere and you’ll be seeing threads about a lack of customizations the blood elves have they don’t shortly.

Not really.

Void Elves need more customisation overall yes, but giving them everything and anything that the Blood Elves get is … Well it’s just Kodo-Dung.

It’d be a lazy, copypaste copout – not to mention, further diminish Blood elf identity. As it stands by lore, Blood Elf Shadowpriests are not canon. It was decreed anyone who even TREATS with the void, not just using but dabbling or studying etc is to be exiled. That’s a huge ‘FU’ to priest mains who play blood elf.

Void Elves need a lot more ‘void’ customisation.

Otherwise them being called ‘Void Elves’ and being in the Alliance is just meaningless to begin with …

I’m sure a bunch of the jewelry & hairstyle customisation could be given to void elves also, but popped with different colours (like void-starry colours).

If Void Elves want everything or ‘most’ of what the Blood Elves have – both prior and ahead, including the fel-identity they use to once hold, then I’d say the fair & reasonable compromise would be giving the Horde Night-Elves. Accessible via the Nightborne race in a model selection, and argue via lore that they’re the Moonguard accepted in by Thalyssra. Pure and simple.

Honestly the whiny lot from Void Elves should be grateful they were given customisation options to not be blueberries. We all know that the whingy ones tend to usually be the ones that actually don’t care about ‘Void Elves’ and just want to erase that identity into making them High Elves.