Recrutiing for a second 25 man raid. All roles and classes needed. Our core group cleared Naxx 25 second week. Raid times/days are Fri, Mon 9am-Noon. Tuesday we do VoA, Sarth, Maly after reset. if you are interested message me on discord. Trollrcoastr#7460
Hey I played mostly all of TBC classic but I took a break for the last month cause of wedding prep and honeymoon, however I am back and looking to lvl my ele shaman to 80 quickly and am looking for a day raiding community.
I tried to find your discord ID but I couldn’t. I would love to chat. Mine is @Lilsmashi#8103
Sent you a friend request on discord.
Nearly 3700 GS Prot paladin, defense capped and hit capped, limited experience tanking as ive started this expansion but im a quick learner and will come prepared and do research on fights. Looking for a place where i can learn, but if thats not what you guys want thats understandable.
Hey, I have reposted a few times for our guild. You have probably found something by now but if you are still interested or looking feel free to message me in discord Trollrcoastr#7460