Ripe purian no longer shows up on the map and is not lootable anywhere. The Fruit of the Gods quest can’t be progressed/completed as a result.
19 locations and not one checked so far has lootable Ripe Purian for me
Also can’t obtain Ripe Purian fruits , Not lootable and not showing up on map even with buff
I’m having the same problem. I’ve spent hours looking. I watched the videos and read WowHead. Reloaded UI. Dropped and picked up the quest again. None of it did a dang thing.
Wow, turns out to be more common than i thought. no solution as of yet, it seems.
Craptastic quest, bugged out and thats a couple hours of my life I can’t get back…
Same for me. I have tried everything on this quest and spent 2-3 hours looking.
Yep spent 3 hours looking as well. What a waste of time /cry
Same problem - I’ve been looking for 3 days now. Quest cannot be completed like this.
They are not spawning. They were a week or two ago.
Edit: I just abandoned Fruit of the Gods quest to pick up again when it’s fixed, and now the NPC Steward who gives the quests isn’t even in Hero’s Rest anymore. Based on Wowhead comments, he isn’t appearing for anyone. The quest NPC has disappeared, and so have the spawns.
This quest has been wasting my time periodically for many days now. I have spent so much time looking then giving up and moving onto other things. I should of looked at the forums sooner…
Thank you all for posting this.
Similarly to everyone here, no Purian Fruit objects are accessible to me. A day before accepting the “Fruit of the Gods” quest in Bastion, I noticed the once interactive fruit bowls were now incapable of even highlighting as I passed over it. Thinking it was because I had already opened and looted the treasure chests requiring Purian Fruit, I finished up my housekeeping for the day and logged off.
On the following day, I saw the “Fruit of the Gods” quest available, picked it up, and then went to the closest places I recalled seeing accessible Purian Fruit–Hero’s Rest and the Temple of Humility. Not a one could be clicked on. I recognized the exact shape and color of the interactive fruit bowls! Alas, they served as little more than Kyrian decor.
I still thought the problem was me, so I spent the next three hours running from blue ring to blue ring scattered across the map, literally running the perimeter of Bastion and thoroughly investigating every corner. My low self-esteem kept shining through because I went about the whole technical troubleshooting handbook: exiting and restarting the game, restarting the PC, reloading UI, clearing the Cache and WTF folders, you name it.
Only then was I suspicious that it might not have been my error, and then I found myself here (among other relevant threads). Lovely.
May this extra data point help tip the scales in our favor so the squeaky wheel will finally get the grease. Good luck, everyone.
Been looking on and off for days, haven’t been able to find a single one either.
12/22 - Same issue, I even dropped the quest last week, and tried again today, still not working for me. Opened an in-game support ticket, let’s see what they say ^^
PS: funny thing, a friend got the quest with me and there was a fruit available to him in hero’s rest.
Ripe purian .vs. purian
I found if I have a non-ripe purian in my bags I couldn’t see the ripe purian’s anymore. check your bags and delete any “purian” in them. For me I found a ripe one almost immediately after deleting the wrong fruit.