RIP Worldpvp ( Community council Member )

I’m sorry but you don’t get to claim that when in the very same posts you claim that Renown is a good alt friendly system (or a good system to begin with).

Alt Friendly:

Renown: The fact it was weekly gated was really good for an expansion level power system. With all the previous AP systems there was an immense amount of social pressure both put on yourself (from striving to be more competitive and gaining more power) and from external forces (guild requirements for some really weird guilds that aren’t even competing on the high end) that made you want to farm endlessly. Saving players from themselves was a very good move.

How can you argue that weekly gating is a good alt friendly mechanic when we’re literally 80 renowns up the ladder and we only have catchup to 40? Do you not know the massive difference between 40 and 80? How behind people are on stamina, soulbinds, conduits and their ilvl? How can you argue that it’s a good mechanic when the weekly progression makes it impossible to balance classes, something you literally posted about?

In this post you claim that there should be more frequent tuning. But have you ever stopped to think why they don’t, or CAN’T do that?

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If your argument for you not interacting with my posts is based on “oh he doesn’t have any substance” then I’m sorry to say but you’re a massive hyprocrite and you embody what a lot of fans have an issue with regarding the Council. Yes, it’s so amazing that you made a super detailed post about the group finder, but couldn’t you have, I don’t know. Maybe include that under a post that already talks about the same issue instead of being a stuck up wannabe elitist?

And I’m dying for you to explain this.