RIP Waterstrider 1 Week Left

You say that as if it’s some viable solution. Everything works just fine right now without people having to worry about dying to water fall damage. Furthermore, we all know we wouldn’t be having this issue if the equipment was mount-specific. :upside_down_face:

The water strider should have been treated like the Sky Golem. The equipment should have been mount-specific in its application. End of story. You’re welcome, Blizz.


/laughs in shaman

This made me laugh.

I’m arguing about it ,people can look that up .It’s fine ,they got what they wanted.

No you will equip water gear and it will put it on all your mounts. It is not individualized to each mount.

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I am vengeance 99% of the time, and if you mean the bubble from azerite…well bad news bubbles no longer block dazing.

So Ill say again. I cant wait for 6 days from niw when i NEVER GET DAZED AGAIN!!!

waterstriders are ugly

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I’ve been spending all my TW badges on that rep grind too.

You’re telling me that you wouldn’t use it all the time if it is it retained its water walking ability and had anti Daze on top of it.

I can’t wait to have a water-walking War Mammoth because that makes sense.

It’s the most used currently by those who have it BECAUSE it’s special. But to answer your question, no I wouldn’t use it ALL of the time. A lot? Sure, depends how much I need both perks. But it’s not currently the ONLY one I use and never will be.

I will be glad to be rid of the hordes of those bugs…

I can’t wait until they take the mount equipment away or lock it behind pathfinder next expac. Then you all will have nothing, then you may understand why we wanted to save the bug. I will be roflmao saying I TOLD YOU SO.


You are behind the times. That actually got a Blue post stating it was a bug and they were working to correct the issue.

Dont care. rotflyaololing all you want.

Funny thing about that is if you read the patch notes when the “bug” started the “bug” also printed in the notes that the bubbles would stop working for anti daze.

You mean like you can do right now on Live with Bardings, Stirrups, Hoofplates, and Water Walking potions not just limited to the Water Strider and stackable?


1 equipment to rule them all with the crafted versions using the existing consumables as reagents?


May as well. It will be come one of the rarest mounts out there.

Huh? You mean if a put anti-daze the shield wouldn’t work?

No it stated that the azerite power that gave you the shield(can’t remember name) would no longer stop dazing. I think it even said the same thing about tanks anti daze.