After the Alliance defeated Warchief Blackhand and the Orcs were scattered, I took my group across the sea and into a barren desert full of Harpies, Quillboar, and Centaur.
I founded Ogrimmar and slowly carved out the Kingdom of Durotar. I spread Orcish culture and the Shamanistic religion. I started a family, as did my original followers, to whom I gifted lands to help me lead our people.
New holds and villages were raised, and markets were built. Fishing huts became seaside towns of their own, where the bounty of the seas kept our people fed. The barren dry clay and dirt were not fit for farmland, but we found a way to grow food anyway, and soon vast orchards of desert fruits began to thrive.
Mines were dug, and quarries were sunk into the cliff sides, allowing our mudbrick homes, towers, and walls to become stronger stone fortifications and massive castles.
With my kingdom now secured and thriving, my armies began to march out into the rest of Kalimdor. Those creatures too stupid and barbaric to understand my vision were put to the axe. My armies slaughtered the Harpies, Quillboar, and Centaur in the thousands. Yet others like us joined our cause and swore fealty to me.
I recruited a Tauren chieftain and his wife, settling them in Mulgore and helping their people thrive, marking them as the first of the non-Orc vassals of my Horde.
Initially, I did not care for the Goblins, but their technology would be of great use to my people. I found one among them, and with her instruction, I incorporated their cultures into our own. Lands where oil was abundant were granted to my new Goblin vassals, and soon my people had access to mighty flying warships and new walking tools to harvest the lumber we so greatly needed.
My growing nation needed lumber, and there was never enough. While many wanted to access the rich forests just north of the Barrens, my treaty of friendship with Tyrande would not allow for this. However, I had no such treaty with the High Elves and other denizens of Feralas. The jungle forests supplied my people with all the lumber they needed, and in honor of our lost homeworld, Feralas became Tanaan.
With all of Central Kalimdor under my control and no threat from the North or South, I began to contact those of my people who had survived the fall of Blackhand. The Dragonmaw Clan became part of my Horde and ruled the lands known as Desolace. With the Centaur cleared, I renamed it Mashan’she. Many other Clans soon followed each claiming a new part of my thriving Empire.
When the Dark Portal reopened, I found a Mag’har band led by an Orc named Garrosh Hellscream. Impatient, ambitious, and arrogant as he was, I recognized his strong will. If given the right task, he would accomplish it. I marched my armies into Silithus and purged the lands of the ancient evils that dwelled there.
Then I gave Hellscream his task. Standing on a mountain vista, I showcased his new lands—barren, corrupted, untamed, but his to conquer. I told him how I had come to Durotar and from nothing built a mighty Kingdom and Empire. Now, I challenged him and his Mag’har to do the same.
He did not disappoint me. Soon, “New Nagrand” was a flourishing land of ranches and grazing herds of beasts. Though Garrosh’s many affairs and bastards became an annoyance to me, I could not argue with the success of his leadership of the Mag’har.
By my 140th birthday, all of Central and Southern Kalimdor was under my banner of the Horde. My Horde consisted of Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Goblins, and Mag’har. Within it were also small bands of Humans, Harpies, and various Elves, most of whom were slaves. I also had an Infinite Dragon, whom I granted Dreadmist Peak as its lair. This dragon allowed me to incorporate dragons into my army alongside my fleets of flying warships.
My Horde survived the Lich King, the Burning Legion, a massive plague from Pandaria, the Thunder King, and the worst of all—an infinite number of universes constantly crashing and needing to be reloaded.
I died at the age of 182—an incredible age for an Orc. My many children and grandchildren will ensure that my Horde continues to thrive without me. My one regret is when I stood before my Infinite Dragon vassal and asked it to allow my armies to travel back to Draenor to prevent its destruction by the Legion. My dragon vassal told me, “I cannot, because this isn’t implemented yet. Sorry.” I’m not sure what this means, but as I die, I wonder if perhaps somewhere in another universe, someone like me will one day have the ability to save Draenor.
*Crusader Kings III / Guardians of Azeroth Mod.
NOTE - I’m not allowed to post Links. So no cool pictures sadly also Can’t link the Guardians of Azeroth Mod Page. But if you own CK3 google it it’s a really fantastic mod.