Rip sod economy


Honestly feel like a chump making gold “traditional” ways between this and 5g incursion quest rewards. Especially since it’s just going to get hot-fixed, but not after players who were savvy enough to get in out early will have earned who knows how much if it’s just a purple BoE generator right now.


I was ready for him to say 2-3 epic boe’s a week, maybe a day,
But per hour thats insane.

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give us the token baby


well if its intended it sure is one way to ensure they dont remain super expensive which isn’t a bad thing, who wants to pay 30k for gloves?

only a moron would buy those with the weapon skill announcement… At this point just give us a vendor that sells 100g for 1g

Season of swiping.

I’m actually so happy the way things turned out after they banned gdkps so we can see how bad it was without them.

I love it

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i think thats true too. people who got there first gonna make bank but its gonna even out. this might be to keep prices low with the antibot stuff they added.

banning gdkps had no negative effects on people who did not participate though. its these choices that are questionable.

the gloves are 30k on whitemane I get that isn’t SoD and its economy is also ruined but the point remains, no one wants to pay thousands of gold for these items

I can’t stress enough how much people don’t understand the sweaty no life gamers for SoD. One of my good friends was sitting on over 20k gold sitting in Uldaman over a month ago on his hunter. I don’t even want to think where he is at now.

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You realize that this isn’t actually generating gold right? It’s just exposing the amount of gold already in the economy.

inflation like irl

This is going to devalue the epic world drops. I don’t see the problem with that.

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