RIP RET, 9.2 just killed this spec

Unfortunately once the community gets the idea “ret is bad” then it doesn’t matter if you’re trying to do 15’s. you can’t get into groups. Sure you can list your own key, but being only able to run your own key sucks when RNG fails you and you can’t get the dungeons you want (for example my key was switching between halls and NW … over and over. I wanted to run another dungeon)

As I said above, the community perception is that ret sucks for keys. So even if you stick with ret (which puts the OP into the very-off-meta category unlike your assessment) your ability to experience this game is severely limited. Even in 10’s and 15’s.

This week a guildie told me that they would never invite a ret, even if their score were over 3k and they were one of the top players in the world. I hear this type of thing from many friends


I find this to actually be pretty good for applying to keys as ret! I’ve literally sat there all day applying and hadn’t gotten into anything. playing my hunter and mage now but sadly as my identity in this game, to me, is my ret paladin

It’s “you’re” not “your”. And you seem pretty wrong here without saying why you think the other person is wrong

You’re talking about the top 1% of guilds here. therefore 99% of people are not in a guild that will run keys with them like that. I’m in the top guild M+ wise on my server and when new people join they aren’t invited to the good keys right away. You’re still gonna have to pug some

No-one has even timed a 26 yet! we’re still at 23’s. But people running 10’s watch the tier list videos and try to put groups together to match. And I don’t blame them! It is smart to use every available edge to get ahead. Why invite a spec that does 30% less damage and doesn’t bring a lust, soothe, purge, innervate, bres, etc? The one dungeon rets can get into IMO is plaguefall for the dispells

Intriguing idea – are you talking about a higher vers build?


i was just in a key with a ret paladin that did 15k overall. biggest overall ive seen yet

Maybe your guild acts that way but to assume every guild would gate keep the “good keys” is wrong. Also I’m definitely not in, nor was I talking about a top guild.

When I said 26s I meant that as a benchmark in what I observed. My gf was a world ranked 2 player for her spec last season and that key level was about where specs that weren’t meta started to really show their weakness damage wise.

True, ret has little utility and people should definitely look at utility that you mentioned to build their team.

But we weren’t 30% behind in damage. Not last season and so far in this season I wouldn’t throw a number out until more people get their tier and double leggo.

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Idk what ur talking about bro. Ret in pvp is going to be A+ tier

Anecdotal. Aggregated data don’t lie.
For every Ret potentially able to do what you claimed there is like 15 mages/hunter/Monks that can do the same with less amount of effort.

I would really like you to tell me which key and when cause I just went through your key history on this character and the last keys you did were on March 17th and they’re was no Ret in any of the recent ones.

The most recent I found with a Ret was 18 days ago on a 11 spires… So I highly doubt that with no tier set and no double leg a guy with 658 IO score at the date pumped 15k DPS over the course of a SoA.

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Guess it was REALLY challenging for you MooMoo to read this

check again on this character i was tanking it was a necrotic wake

it was before double leggo came out as well


It’s exactly what I suspected.
He did soo well because he has his 4tier set and has the Jailer Weapon on top of being a good Ret player. Resetting WoA in pack is BIG upgrade and will undoubtedly pull the damage up.

im not disgreeing with the fact that ret needs to be fixed and it has a stigma that makes people not wanna take a ret into m+ hell im guilty of that mind set at times. but unless ur trying to push into world first keys ret is perfectly capable. i feel for those out there trying to pug tho because i know that its hard.

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If you look at the leader boards the trend is clear.
Right now above 3k io as DPS:

DK: 39
DH: 140
Druid: 44
Hunter: 440
Mage: 392
Monk: 122
Priest: 38
Rogue: 312
Shaman: 100
Warlock: 277
Warrior: 338

Ret: 5

Even if we exclude the pure damage class, I would expect Ret to perform in a similar manner as the other hybrid classes yet it doesn’t even come close to Druik/DK/Priest which are the lowest in regard to this specific metric aside from Ret.

I think we do think alike :slight_smile:

Personally I think Ret would need a slight increase in AOE damage for M+.
They seem to do fine in raid so I wouldn’t touch their ST damage.

On top of the slight AOE buff what could really bring them back from the stigma would be better utility abilities.

higher representation doesnt of other classes doesnt mean its not viable. we are still on week 4 and thats getting awfully close to world first the highest io scores right now are 3.4. most of the people at 3k io only play meta class. they play whats best for m+ and are also very skilled players. by the time we have had enough vaults to be fully decked out im sure there will be rets clearing 25s and possibly higher. if ur ambitions are higher then that it may be time to join the meta

i agree ret does need its own form of utility in some form. that holy or prot doesnt bring. that would definitely help alot. it suffers alot the way feral does. ive seen feral do great in keys but why bring one when u could just bring a boomkin who has everything a feral does plus some. and the same goes for ret why bring a ret when u could bring a prot or holy. all the same utility plus some

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Ohh it’s viable. And representation doesn’t really tell the whole story but it is symptomatic of an underlying problem with the spec. All things being equal the representation of classes doing M+ should be fairly similar even after MWF race, only higher numbers.

Obviously classes with more than 1 DPS spec should, by design, be better represented in this kind of metric.
But the interesting part are the performances of the 3 classes that have only 1 DPS spec.
122 to 38 to 5, I think this is quite telling.
I don’t think Ret is missing alot of stuff to be competitive* but it certainly not missing anything to be viable. It’s just that the viable line is pretty low compared to the competitive one.

i think that has alot more do to do with the stigma than actual ability tho. pugging is pretty is pretty bad as a dps in general like i always come back to tanking or healing because i get so tired of being declined over and over again if my io isnt way higher then the key lvl im queing to. and i can only imagine how much worse it is for a ret.

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who cares about pvp? Its garbage.


Can’t get in group. Get friends/guild
Friends/guild wont invite you then get new ones
Can’t find any then stop worrying about it and play what you find fun. You’ll enjoy the game/class a lot more.

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To be honest, those ret paladins must not have been reading their class. Since the start of 9.2 I have consistently been closer to the top of the charts than the bottom. Templar’s Verdict, and it’s glorious counterpart Final Verdict, is potentially the best single target spell in the game as it crits for upwards of 30k… With the new buffs to Divine Storm and Wake of Ashes, ret paladins should be sitting on top of the charts in raid content or in large pull dungeons like HoA, NW, SD, etc. Even more so with tier set.

As we continue to get gear and build our stats we will most assuredly continue to climb those meters regardless of the other broken & over-tuned specs. Eagerly awaiting the nerfs to come rolling in one by one… Looking at you warlocks.

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This guy follows guides, hahaha! :rofl:

That’s how you can tell they aren’t a real ret