how dare you to say the truth?
Stop being an ignorant troll.
Signed, the world.
nope…they said this was going to happen in spring and to be prepared…so Ive been slowly stocking up all summer…just buying extra stuff here and there…so it wouldnt keep anyone else from getting what they needed.
when no one PREpares…of course we have these insane shortages when they do finally catch on and start buying everything in sight
Seven years?
I see you like to gamble. EA would love you.
“No! I will not stop being dumb! Simply because you asked me to!”
Didn’t you know? It’s 2023 already.
Yeah, I think we all know that won’t happen. I just put them on ignore.
natural selection doing its job
Ahhh lmao I knew when these people lost it’d be a clown show but this is amazing
So all mail in ballots were for Biden?
There must be proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, or the claims mean nothing. Sydney Powell claims she has irrefutable proof. She has much cred.
Not all, obviously, but enough to win apparently.
Jfc, it feels like it sometimes
And she has not shown any of it, and every single judge has given her and her “proof” the smackdown of the century.
Pretty much all, Trump was leading in almost every state Election night.
Enjoying the deaths of the elderly and immunocompromised. Must be a real cool dude.
Ohio has a 10pm curfew. Not exactly sure what that is supposed to fix. Especially when its not going to be enforced anyways.
She will. They are finalizing their case. No judge has heard a case on Dominion yet.
It doesn’t care if you believe.
It will sicken and kill you regardless.