Rip minnesota

If there was proof they would have shown it by now if it’s such a big deal that they claim it to be.

But our governor Newsome is expemt

four years in office…about 3 years ‘investigating’.
As far as what was found…well most big countries screw with other countries politics. Just ask obama about interfering in Israels election when he was in office.
This was nothing new…Russia hates us…and they actually did exactly what Putin wanted to do…cause chaos and dissenion in our country.
He had no care in the world who won…he wanted US to all act like nuts and be at each others throats regardless of who was in the White House.
And we all fell for it, hook line and sinker.

Instead we get sweaty hair dye and My Cousin Vinny misquoted and out of context.

Like for real, if there actually was massive fraud like that then I’d agree. But there is literally zero evidence, and even when asked in court they say, “We’re not claiming there was fraud, but those votes could have been for Mickey Mouse” or some such nonsense.

I do not know why they chose the guy who was filmed in a Borat movie touching himself and then signed a release to allow it to be in the film, as the head of their legal team.

But it sure is funny to watch.

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Mueller revealed that Russian agents bought $50,000 in FB adds after the election. The media ran with the story because they’re just a branch of the Democratic Party.

“proved” and “potentially” in the same sentence. :rofl:

There is little evidence of this and you cannot prove long term studies in a 6 month window.

It is funny how much the goal posts can move with this disease. Its very dangerous! Well not for 99.7% of folks. But its dangerous for some!

They interfered, and there was proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. Not so subtle proof either.

if there was anything it would have been leaked or just flat out made public. The second they got ahold of Trumps old tax return it was all over the news, lol.
ANY actual evidence of Trump being CONNECTED to Russian interference would have been front page news and the Mueller Report would have turned out much differently than it did

What’s truly concerning is that there’s so many political science majors and virologists with nothing better to do than try to win internet arguments on the WoW forums.


Nothing. It’s supposed to fix nothing. I think dewine is afraid to do anything else because he knows there will be massive pushback from the idiots in the state, and also because we have no money left to throw into unemployment so he can’t close anything.

you can blame this boring prepatch for that, sorry to say.

Not old people. The average age of a “Covid death” (we don’t actually count people who die FROM the disease, rather those who die WITH it) is 78. Even at that age there’s a 95% survival rate.

‘interfered’ wasnt the issue…theyve always interfered lol…just like WE do.
COLLUSION was the argument…and there was no evidence that Trump colluded to steal the election with the Russians. Its that simple

Most people can survive it, and that is great. Sadly, the odds aren’t in my personal favor. This virus doesn’t really care how strong or fit someone is, it can potentially bring them down for an extended period or worse regardless.

considering restaurants are slim profit margins, they more than likely won’t have excess money just laying around.