Rip minnesota

So you’re not even going to attempt to comprehend what the word consume means?

Just stock up on

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I had it in March. Hospitalized twice. No pre-existing conditions.

I’m still coughing. Just got diagnosed with severe asthma, caused by covid tearing up my lungs. I have 2 inhalers just to breathe. I can’t even go for a walk anymore, I’m gasping for air.

So yes, some of us cage fighters have had it.

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I just want to quote this for prosperity. And entertainment.


i dont have the everglades degree like you. Pass.

Evergreen if you’re going with the SJW Lih-brul argument.

So you’re sticking with “Consume only means what I shove in my pie hole.” Got it. No wonder trumpism is alive and well.

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im actually from EU…so shove this into your pie .


What is it?


Everyone that is calling for the shutdown of any business…

I challenge you to put your money where your mouth is and forfeit 100% of your own income until these businesses are allowed to reopen.


LOL, FL is the epicenter? Food fight! Devasting hospitals? Hysterically wrong. Science deniers? You are a funny toon.

FL has one of the best death ratios in the country. Also a fact.

That’s why shutdowns need to be paired with non-neutered relief.


Our federal government could do their jobs and use our taxes to provide a stimulus like every other developed nation.

That could be a thing.

Instead they’re too busy attempting a coup.

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Crazy pie. Or at least, if it wasn’t crazy before, it sure is now.

European Union. So your anti Trump comments are irrelevant.

There you go.

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You want me to put the entirety of the EU into my pie?

Honey, I don’t have a pie plate big enough.

I wouldn’t say Trumpism, but your words here only confirm what I already know, and that is people can be stupid regardless of their location.

Man, I’m sorry you’ve experienced this and genuinely hope your body will eventually heal through it all. :heart:


They will probably do it the same way they are doing it here in the Sacramento area. Everything is take out, or patio dining.

Bars will probably close, and it still surprises me that they have ever been allowed to open during this year lol

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