Rip minnesota

You’re a special kind of ignorant. It’s kind of impressive in a way.

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Thank God I live in FL. Yes, it is getting weaker and we are getting better at caring sick patients. The death ratio is improving a lot

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We need our taxes to work for us with a stimulus. Too bad the current admin is more worried about their goofball’s attempt at a coup.

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It was posted all over. I personally think it is a terrible idea because as someone who worked at home for almost a decade, you end up having a lot of extra expenses working at home that normally your employer would pay for.

Never heard if it but I support pulling our troops out if there.

But you got to work… gainfully and earn a paycheck. There are going to be a LOT of people who will have no choice…

Personally… I’m like where do i sign up.

All you broke losers crying over COVID should hope your family gets it. Then you collect life insurance and can stop begging the rest of society to pay for your dopey student loans.

See. The world works.

BTW, 50,000 people die a week in the US. So yes, people are still dieing.

i am honest to myself. I don’t believe there is such thing. A lot of sources proven this.

Im not a sheep to believe anything what is thrown into my face.

Also, ask yourself do you believe in this?

I dont. And this should not be some sort of issue for others.

You believe in it, i do not.

You’re trolling. No other explanation, I refuse to believe anyone is this ignorant.

lol no, it isn’t. I won’t wait for you to cite your credible sources proving that it is either, because they don’t exist.

I’m really glad it’s finally being taken seriously. I worked at a USPS processing facility and half of the mail handlers and clerks didn’t wear masks. The letter carriers at least put warning placards on the side of their LLVs(mail trucks).

Then you are a complete fool and are ignoring reality. But I guess you’re not shy about showing it so there’s that. People like you are are very easy to spot. I wanted to use stronger wording but I’d no doubt receive a ban. lol

yes believe…oh wow…LET’S BELIEVE

So the people working should pay more taxes so the others can do what? Protest, play WoW?

I do believe… that you’re trying too hard now.

because you said so? Please.

…meanwhile FL has been the epicenter of the entire pandemic since April. Amusement parks are opening at capacity daily…

No. It literally is getting worse.

Only truth you’ve told besides maybe living in FL, but also still not acceptable. Not to mention we’re only now seeing what the long term effects are - and they are not insignificant.

Too bad FL has DeathSantis for a governor. There’s an argument to be made that his early opening of Florida originally is what has helped spread this virus to more rural parts of the country and devastating their hospitals by allowing the reopening of tourist activities.

But then there’s too many science deniers here to even agree on how the virus spreads, so it’s not surprising.

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So in other words… Trump is a fascist the liberals say.
Then when liberals win the vote they shut down the entire country.
Now who is the fascist again?

and i dont. I create my own life. Thank you.

Because everyone BUT you says so. Just because you are delusional doesn’t mean it’s right. It just means you’re delusional. And you are, in part, responsible for the state of the world right now because you “don’t believe”.