RIP Eddie Van Halen

Just heard the news. Excellent musician and showman. Thank you for the songs, Eddie.


One of the greatest ever! Now he’s free to jam with all the other greats that have gone before him without the chains of this world dragging him down any more.


Another fave of mine, late Hagar era

Shine on, EVH

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I had really good seats at the Rosemont in Chicago when I saw Van Halen live for the first (and also now the last time) on the 1984 tour. What I remember besides David Lee’s antics was just how rich and full their live sound was. But mostly I remember Eddie’s guitar solo in the middle of “Little Guitars”. He played for what seemed like an hour but he could have played all night - I was completely mesmerized. Just a cascading sequence of notes and harmonies that felt like you were listening to a full orchestra, full of nuance and twists and turns. I have never seen before or since a more complete mastery of a musical instrument. May he rest in peace.


I have a friend who idolized EVH to the point he formed a VH tribute band over a decade and a half ago (actually very near wow released). He studies EVH like a student going for their doctorate…
All the time practicing. Hes almosr indistinguishable from EVH if you just heard him play without seeing him most would be fooled.

He’s that good.

Anyway my friend is in his early 50s and he looked like his world shattered with the news of Eddie’s passing. So i feel bad three times…one for Eddie’s family , one for just eddie being gone and then for my friend.

Legend is used far too easily in our times…but i think its legit fir EVH.