RIP Dragonflight Dungeon Week

Previously you could easily take some fresh 70’s through M0’s and get a free Heroic piece of loot from the quest cache

Alts will never be able to get easy loot from this event again :sob:


They should change it to Heroic dungeons since those are now at what M0 used to be at.


Pretty sure tanks can still solo M0s, by the time the weekly comes around, will be enough people just blasting through them as usual.


I think the reward is now appropriate with the difficult.


It is not like that


So it’s a win!


It’s about time Blizzard finally acknowledged the issue with easy content being rewarded good rewards. Easy content deserves low rewards, higher content deserves higher rewards.


Gear from heroics and open world will get you geared enough to do mythics fine. You just won’t be able skip them entirely like before.


How is it not like that? Hm. I will test on my DK alt later, there are only a few dungeons that seem problematic to solo because of stacking damage over time mechanics like in Azure vault but people would normally just run through Ruby Life Pools four times fast.

New dungeon scaling for the season.
S4s M0 = S3s M8-10


The issue is that the difficulty between N and H is almost non-existent at a Normal ilevel. But the difficulty between H and M0 is a decently large gap at a Heroic ilevel.

Heroic needs be be brought up in difficulty more and M0 lowered just a smidge in mob HP and damage. Not a lot, just a tiny bit. Just to make the gaps between them in scaling more evened out.


Good adjustment for TWW release imo

Please report back.
I remember trying to solo AA M0 when S4 was still on PTR. I never made it past the tree boss :smile:

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People asked for Mythic + without timer.
They got it. M0s are same difficult and reward up to 10 if our keys were still 1-20.


You do realize that tanks were able to solo those, right? Didn’t even need to be Max geared for it. Hence my confusion as to why that matters since once you remove the timer, as long as you don’t get one shot or overwhelmed by stacking bleed damage, tanks can and have soloed pretty much anything.

M0 is now the equivalent of +10. That was then, this is now. :dracthyr_shrug:

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Well yeah if we add those kinds of stipulations.

“Yeah man, if it wasnt for the scaling damage and health id have solo’d that +30 key”.

Well duh.

The issue is, all those prior dungeons being solo’d were cherry picked from Legion and BFA. SL and DF have added things that arent so solo friendly.

Some issues that come to mind:

First boss in AV and not clearing the shards results in a massive stomp which aill eat you. Same for last boss in AV

AA: not enough DPS to kill adds resulting in ramped damage. Vexamis or wharever his name is with the orbs. Not sure how many you can absorb and survive with the debuff. Or if you can manage RP enough to heal the pulses from orbs reaching him

Fiest boss(es) in BH. Totem + Gnashtooth

Will boss bug in Nelth if he doesnt have a chain target? Hadnt considered that until just now. And do you have enough defensives to keep you up through the shield on last boss?

Ballistas and add on first boss in NO. Adds on last boss and all the interrupts.

What about the DPS needed to not stack elementals (or even just meteors) on 2nd boss in RLP.

Uldaman trash may be more complicated than any of the bosses


So easier content should reward crap rewards that will not be useful to progress. How exactly is that good for the game? Or is it just an ego thing for people like you who think there are too many players playing the game, and this needs to be fixed?


Why cant things be relative? That was my favorite part of the crest system when we moved away from valor. Kept people doing relevant content.

Do i think a leveling experience should be rewarding heroic raid items? Nah. Kept on par with queued dungeon spam content? Sure.

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Yep. Every facet of content has a ceiling. That’s a good thing. It means people still have something to work towards in their bracket and if they hit their ceiling, they can choose to push forward or chill where they’re at.

That is not what was said.

You know this. I know this.

Rewards should reflect the content done, and help a person progress.