RIP Chakram

Such a fun move but of course they take it away


It’s so odd because they just redid the animation for it too.

I get why, but Steel Trap too? What was wrong with that??

I understand they don’t want button bloat, the bloat comes from forcing us to use certain abilities in a rotation, like Chakram did because of the damage bonus it provided.

So here’s a thought Blizzard, instead of completely removing an ability that I personally enjoyed using, remove the dependency?

Just get rid of the damage bonus and leave the ability alone, leave me with the option to have it on my bars to use whenever I like even if the damage is sub par.

“Removed Chakram and Steel Trap”

Jesus Christ man…


Steel Trap going away is just a good thing, no one likes to stop mid rotation to put that down.


For PvE yeah sure, what about us PvPers? Steel Trap has been great in PvP.


Remove the damage then but keep it as a baseline ability for pvp

Chakram was just a weird ability to use, mechanically speaking.

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I’m sure the 12 people that still pvp will manage.

Yeah yeah, it’s trendy to say PvP is dead we get it.

I don’t mind it being retired.
Blizzard are exactly right, its just a mandatory button to press before doing your actual rotation. It’s like a Trinket we’ve not been able to upgrade since SL.
And it didn’t even have a good visual. MoP Chakram’s visual was so much better.

Implosion Trap looks decent.

Implosion looks to be a great aoe interrupt in m+ for hunter finally… won’t have much use in pvp since in almost all situations you’d rather have the knock back instead.

I didn’t mind having it but honestly won’t miss it just for the fact that it looked awkward using your bow for all your abilities and then randomly whipping out a Chakram to throw.

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Explosive Trap can be a little clunky to align up which direction they get knocked back. Sometimes especially Wall/Pillar hugging they wont even go anywhere.

But the most important thing? It’ll be 100x easier for your partners to combo with you and chain CC because their characters remain stationary.

But lets say Explosive is better than Implosion always, well we’re still ahead because now we get to take Explosive We can’t take Explosive in DF because we have to give up Intimidation.

I mean no one used explosive trap to cc anyone, it was for the knock and used as a gap maker. You can’t really compare either one of them to steel trap, the whole benefit of steel trap was having access to an undispellable root.

So kind of like a knock up…?
And you just said Knock Backs are valuable but now you’re saying nobody takes it as CC.
So either Knock Backs are valuable or they aren’t lol

I suppose, as long as it knocks them up 110 yards in the air so it takes 5 seconds for them to come back down.

Huh? No one takes explosive trap in order to chain cc someone. We take it because warriors and dh’s have a million gap closers and we need them to gtfo of us. Yes that’s valuable. No it’s not something you would use to try and lock down a healer while you go for a kill.

The only glaive hunters had. /sadface

What bothers me are those traps at the bottom of the tree and multiple explosive shots. Really dislike the whole “poacher syndrome” in the class.

Any chance this could be part of the Sentinel hero spec? Or as an option in Survival and MM? An alternative to those bombs would be nice, imo.

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Why are you in every single post arguing with people? What is wrong with you?

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