Krystina Arielle enters the chat. she tweets all day long racist things about white people. when will she be fired for saying something “controversial”?
what the heck?? thats sick especially considering those kids were innocent that that guy lied his stupid face off. wow im at a loss for words on that one.
Jack Morrisey does not work for Disney. He’s a Film Producer, like most film producers, he goes where the work is, and he was only involved in one Disney film, which was Beauty and the Beast. A movie that released before those tweets were made, so he was no longer employed by Disney at the time.
Hard to get fired by a company you no longer work for.
Oh and as for this gem…
Not only is she not a writer, but her tweets are 100% justified once you get the context of them, something that is missing in 100% of the articles that have bashed her online for said tweets because of course there’s no context. Context doesn’t do them any favours.
His insistence to refer to the virus as the china virus blaming china for it. Racists/morons dont ask if they are from x country they just pounce on anyone who remotely looks like they are chinese people.
And no maxine did no such thing I dont even like her and I know she didnt call for any violence or attacking trump supporters.
Pretty much why you still use them your town is behind the times but Id bet your community has a general good nature about it to use them freely you should appreciate that it doesnt last forever.
it IS from china this is common knowledge at this point, in fact a year prior there were multiple articles about the lab in wuhan experimenting on a virus very similar to covid. funny how that works isnt it?
i suggest you go watch the second video because she says word for word “make them pay”
most people here are very chill and nobody really cares about this sort of thing. I guess we are behind the times but id rather live here that anywhere else.
It strikes me as an example of something that is technically true but framed in such a way as to imply a sinister motive when in fact it’s irrelevant. A fair number of the blazes were ignited by makeshift explosive devices created for expensive and gimmicky baby gender reveal parties. It would not surprise me in the least to learn that all of the offending couples were Jewish, due to the prevalence of that faith among the wealthy in southern California. That said, I don’t see what their ethnicity has to do with their idiocy. Lots of people have more money than brains. They just don’t happen to be in a position to burn down a quarter of their state when their oversized pink glitter bomb backfires.
Look what happened to that country singer when they tried to cancel him. Sales went up. If they are doing this for ‘business’ reasons then they need to reexamine the underlying assumptions there. Very few people really care about someone’s personal opinions when they are looking for entertainment.
so basically what your saying is “its okay when its against white people” is that right?
those are tweets not a conversation pal she just randomly tweets racist crap all the time i’ve seen the tweets myself there is no context other than she is a racist and should not be allowed to say them period while working for disney.
Just saying this in a thread and not just doing it tells me your literally the problem in todays society… no one cares if u mute someone just do it and move on with your life…
Wrong patient zero is from china the virus source is unknown. We dont know who had it first where they became infected or how all we know is the virus bloomed there and its currently being investigated by a team of doctors from a bunch of countries.
Also look at the new variants in the US first cases confirmed leaped over states people first infected never traveled.
I suggest you not fall for click bait she told her supporters if they make a crowd you make a crowd show them they arent welcome here push them back that was 2018. Even fox debunked that one.
So let’s get to the context shall we? Her first tweet, the tweet that got so many people riled up, was her essentially saying that white people do not get to absolve anyone else of racism. That they don’t get to sit there and point out their (black people) growth during the BLM movement when for centuries they’ve acted completely opposite to that, and that they don’t get to accept apologies on our (in the context of this tweet, black people) behalf.
After that, well, that’s when it got crazy, with so many white people accusing her of racism for pointing out that white people do not get to absolve people of racism, which, as a white person myself, no, we do not have that right. Other posts in her timeline were in response to that mess OR they were replies to other people highlighting their own encounters with white people being racist scumbags.
Such as her telling white people to stop being racist while retweeting a bloke who had an encounter with an elderly white woman who yelled profanities at an asian-american man before coughing on him, during a pandemic, for the crime of being asian.
You just played right into the narrative you were given.
I’m not saying Disney’s survival, I’m talking about the show itself, and more broadly the reason why many companies comply with (or succumb to) leftist ideological demands.
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,” - Maxine Waters
Yep, never incited any violence at all. Certainly not.