RIP cara dune

And funny enough firing her did worse dmg.

The #canceldisneyplus thing is going hard right after the announcement

Literally no one is coming for Republicans.


there are some underlying social conseqences of being openly republican.
specially in that cali liberal area.

I see the opposite happening everyday. Yet people Believe AOC and Oman who have both lied publicly and yet they are still in Office.

Can you not? Thanks.

No one is being ‘hunted down’ and put into camps because of their views. As I said, there are plenty of conservatives out there who get by on social media just fine, because they don’t post offensive BS that they’d never be able to say in public without getting thrown out of whatever venue they happen to be in at the time.

Actions have consequences. Is that somehow a difficult lesson to understand now?


It just wasn’t the truth. She was engaging in political hyperbole for the purposes of gaining additional instagram clout, which given the intellectual caliber of many of that platform’s users, is not a particularly strenuous exercise.

Or to translate for your benefit, “people saying dumb stuff on the internet”.

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Those who fail to remember History are doomed to repeat it.

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Yeah if you actually looked at that hashtag, it’s filled with folks rebuking the idea of cancelling and making fun of those who are actually trying to get it trending for the purpose it was originally created for.

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okay look, was it hyperbolic ? yes.
but its a justifiable, historically factual comparison

Comparing herself to that group of people from that era is not a factual comparison. You’re the one making the assertion and you’ve said nothing here to affirm that. Neither has she in any of her posts.

Serious question, when did the idea of ‘actions have consequences’ become so alien?

When I hit my brother as a kid because he took a toy I was playing with. I learned that my actions have consequences when I got disciplined.

When I talked back to my father because he got upset that I didn’t clean my room, I learned that my actions have consequences when I lost my favourite books to read.

When I got into a fight with another student, or I was rude to a teacher at school I learned that my actions have consequences when I got put in detention or suspended.

And yet somehow we’re now in an era where, when someone does something that would be deserving of suffering consequences, suddenly folks are like: “Nah, it’s wrong for actions to have consequences!”


She’s also transphobic

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say

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Those enslaved to the crusade against offense need not fear the whip so long as they do not speak ill or against their masters. When they do, say I let experience teach them.

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actions have reasonable consequences is what we should strive for.
she made a twitter post and lost her job…
i dont want that to happen to me. neither do i want it to happen to you.

agree to disagree.

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It is sad to know that entertainment companies feed on the hatred of a toxic community in which it only destroys, mutilates, expels and discriminates just for the fact of giving comments that no one would kill for that.

Really every time the world is sick, more racist and full of hatred due to its new progressive policies, inclusive, political agendas and PC, and the USA is not polluting for these things to rest of the world.

She made more than one twitter post, just to make that clear. This wasn’t a one and done mistake, this was a ‘straw that broke the camels back’ mistake. Disney had even pulled her aside and told her “Look, this is bad, but we’re not going to fire you. Just tone it down a notch.” and she officially apologized for her posts…

And then went and did this…

oh jebus the distinction truly makes a differnce.
2? i think she should have been JAILEDDDDD

oh truly egregious moves. jailing isn’t enough.
send her to exile.

Just cause the stupid bio thing?

Or the fake claims which the person who sued end up removing after realizing she was full s***?

Rofl, no she isn’t.

I would show you but honestly looking up that stuff ain’t so great for my mental health. Folks in the trans community were quick to try and get her out of the show the second she was announced to act in Mandalorian.

She’s mocked the trans community on twitter. So yeah. She is.

If you’re gonna mock people. Punch up. Not down. We kinda got a lot on our plate enough as it is