RIP cara dune

Ha imagine that

“Plz doctor let me be alright, do your best work”

As you start to fade out you hear

“Don’t worry I won’t fail you like those law makers failed to stop a rigged election!”

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So is every developed nation. Every trend seems to start in Japan though. The US birth rate is at its lowest level since something nutty like the 1700s lol.

Sure, as long as they agree with you. Then it’s perfectly fine but the second you say something that steps out of their little bubble, well now hell is going to break loose.

There is a world of difference between you telling me off and getting into an argument and trying to get someone fired from their job. If you and I disagree over something, you aren’t going to gather thousands of friends and start campaign to ruin my life.

Sorry but social media is a mob rule and if you run up against them, you are screwed. The best option it to just stay away from it, unless you want to parrot what they tell you to say.

Don’t have bad opinions then

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even with a solid 80% success rate?

The power of not having to have kids to replace your kids that might die from stepping on a rusty nail

How times have changed

That’s awfully funny of you to say.

Wrong opinion? It’s okay we’ll just cancel you!

Literally a joke that anyone takes anyone who does that seriously. Should be shipped away instead.

You really don’t know much about bullying by the sound of it. Yeah, that existed back then before social media as well. If you did something that other people found objectionable, they could easily ruin your life and get you fired from your job. Because yeah, actions have consequences.

It’s why retail workers put on their best smile and help you out no matter how problematic you might be, rather than telling you, to your face, to go screw yourself.

It’s kind of crazy. Everyone thought the population would eventually balloon to something uncontrollable but all evidence shows the human population actually starting to taper off.

What ever dude, I got better things to do than carry on this pointless discussion. Best of luck.

the human race can all fit inside austin texas

its if it had a baby… then that baby tried to write a show.
horribly done and pacing is just poopy.
honestly needs to be redone by a competent writer

let me be more precise then. i believe some punishments aren’t worth the crime.
yea, she said something about yatzi’s.
not really a big deal right? OJ is on twitter for fox sakes.
R kelly is still producing music.
Chris brown… does what he does.
I’m just saying that maybe companies shouldn’t be allowed to just fire someone. remove there livelihood because of a tweet some dude finds offensive


until you get one that snaps or puts in a 2 week notice… then it’s glorious

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I honestly hope future humans look back at this time as the Twitter Witch Trials. Because that is what this is. Everything old is new again.

i remember my days of high school and beginning of college working retail. my horrible manager and then me putting in my 2 week notice. felt so good

You need to reread what you wrote because it makes no sense. Your opinions are a distillation of your own personal beliefs.

snapping is more… grabbing the gun locker keys…
seriously. people dont understand what we go through on a day by day basis at these grocery stores.
i know, woe is me. my simple job is hard.
but heckin let me politely escuse myself from a screaming customer complaining about prices being higher at our store then online.

It makes perfect sense.

You are FORCED to change your beliefs in the US from what you actually believe in because if you don’t have those beliefs (in public) then you are cancelled and can lose your job or worse.


Lol worded poorly snapping back at a customer. Karen’s can’t handle back talk

Oh cancel culture is so over blown it’s not even funny

I watched a review of cancel con, a thing about getting cancelled staring million + view on YouTube per videos rich guys talk about how everything was trying to cancel them whilst they’ve got some of the biggest platforms to exist

We can’t help that some people’s brains didn’t evolve well enough to pay attention to that part of the brain that doesn’t want them to get disconnected

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