Might be time to reroll =(
They normalize rage or something?
Flaggelation being nerfed to nothing hurts but I do like the new runes.
We will have to see how it plays out with level 60 gear. Hard to tell where it all is going to settle.
the warrior dps 2+ 6 piece tier seems like if you can play it properly, u are gonna have some very juiced multipliers
S03 - Item - T1 - Warrior - Damage 2P Bonus] You gain 10 Rage when you change stances.
Item Set: Unstoppable Might: 2 pieces
- NEW ** S03 - Item - T1 - Warrior - Damage 4P Bonus] For 5 sec after leaving a stance, you can use abilities requiring that stance as if you were still in that stance.
Item Set: Unstoppable Might: 4 pieces
S03 - Item - T1 - Warrior - Damage 6P Bonus]bonus)** For the first 10 sec after activating a stance, you can gain an additional benefit:
Battle Stance/Gladiator Stance: 10% increased damage done.
Berserker Stance: 10% increased critical strike chance.
Defensive Stance: 10% reduced Physical damage taken.
TBH I dont like having to stance dance every 10 seconds but will do what I gotta do.
I wonder if you can just battle → zerker instantly and get 10% damage/10 crit or you can only have one of the buffs at the same time?
also the 2 piece is kinda weird, basically if you switch stances 3 times (with tactical mastery) you will be able to start every encounter with 35 rage + 10% crit or 10% damage
No way they are letting us stack 10% damage and crit together. It has to be mutually exlusive
For 5 sec after leaving a stance, you can use abilities requiring that stance as if you were still in that stance
that’s gonna be so weird, u are gonna need to have keybinds for every ability in stances that you aren’t in, like if i’m in zerker stance i don’t have a keybind for overpower
recklessness is changed too
- Recklessness now increases critical strike chance by 50% (was 100%) and the duration is reduces to 12 seconds, but the cooldown is reduced to 5 minutes.
Yeah agreed. It’s kind of a weird place to go. Stance dance to juice up buffs???
Stance dance is rubbish gameplay.
Thats gonna be so bad and annoying.
They want us to switch stance every 10 sec in combat for all the pve fight now ??
God damn l it why !!
this has to be 1 of 2 or 3 warrior tier set cause if they replace the Prot set then they really want warrior to Fail
and here i am as a sword board tank since 2004 bummed that they are basically removing stance dancing from protection lol. all of our stuff requires shield and defensive stance to use.
being a tank that stance danced made me stand out from the scrubs of the past in many 5 man dungeons. Not that I hate the new protection skills and how most stuff functions in defensive stance, but im getting used to it.
Won’t you need to stance dance every 10 seconds to keep up the 10% damage reduction via the 6 piece tier set?
tank set is different
You’ll still be top dps after getting a bit of gear, 2-3 weeks in. Soooo you’re upset why?
T1 - Warrior - Tank 6P Bonus Increases all threat you generate in Defensive Stance by an additional 10% and increases all damage you deal in Gladiator Stance by 4%.
Item Set: Immovable Might: 6 pieces
well at least there other pieces of gear then the tier but yeah warrior set damage sucks donkeys
Ah good call. Got my DPS cap on.
at least the Tank set alright unless they slash everything too half