RIP "Breaking the cycle", absolutely nothing is changing with factions

I am pretty sure that services like transfers don’t actually make them as much money as players claim. However, I am tired of them pushing the buddy cop story and then coming up with some lame reason to be at war again so I kind of agree with you. It’s tired. Stop already, Blizz. Either we are at war or we are at peace (player grouping or not). Stop making the Alliance the sidekick to Horde stories and I guess in the case of Legion vice versa.


breaking the cycle is stupid and should not even be a thin to begin with

I play a horde and an Alliance main. I like to experience ALL of the stories, not just one side.

I didn’t need any particular advantage to level of two toons. Even if you are into raiding, that really isn’t much compared to those who level up and raid with more than even two mains all the time. I know this, because I see them post about doing so all the time right here.

So, leveling up two toons really isn’t that much of a challenge and a viable option if you are as concerned as you say you are.

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Can’t blame them; after what’s happened, I don’t want to associate with the Horde either. Sniveling Alliance lapdogs.

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Isn’t the next generation (Anduin Wrynn, son of Varian) already leading the Alliance? When we first saw him, he was just a kid.

I was hoping for a third faction that could join instanced content with either Horde or Alliance, but the problem with your suggestion is that guilds would be filled with players from all different Covenants that wouldn’t be able to group.

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You say its not much of a challenge, and perhaps in terms of difficulty its not but in terms of balancing each persons life with work, school, family, maybe kids, etc forcing people to main 2 toons is not great. I am more in favor of open systems instead of closed systems. We can still have faction lore. We just do not need cross faction limitations in gameplay.

Much much worse, and should the day come that Blizz finally pulls their heads out of the clouds, it’ll probably be too late if it’s not already.

Actually, in the face of an existential threat to your combined homeworld, it’s pretty damn organic.

You know if the aliens showed up tomorrow to destroy earth, we’d stop giving a crap about our conflicts for the moment.


Anduin is only 18-19 years old right now in BFA.

ESO has only gotten better since they lifted the faction restrictions.


He’s the second generation of where we started (his father, Varian) and seeks to end the faction war. He marched among troops of Horde at Orgrimmar to confront Sylvanas and spoke to Horde to in honor of Saurfang.

Plus, there’s Zekhan, following an old soldier that’s put aside his hatreds for the betterment of the masses. The next generation has begun.

Uh wait what no? That’s not my suggestion. Covenants should not be actively fighting each other. Just a different faction you can align yourself for plot reasons. Maybe a few skirmishes when ordered to, but outside an official battle you should be free to do w/e you want. Like a merc for hire. Nobody pays you to attack every greenskin that walks into stormwind. The “war” is in a different realm, if there’s even a war at all. BGs and arenas are already neutral what is the point of the H/A faction war.

“We’re breaking the cycle… for an xpac or maybe 2. Kill ya later.” waves

“Yup. Kill ya later.”

Exactly. That’s what Sylvanas has been trying to beat into everyone’s heads. She was right all along.

Nothing lasts.

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If you actually wanted to play with your friends you could make a character on that faction. If you are complaining about this, I suspect you don’t have any friends cross faction anyway.

Baine is the good dude in off screen his development with anduins is really bad.
Only thing he has done was give a UD brother to jaina.

Lorewise you didnt share class halls with anyone though.

Ya, but then again they might aswell show how horde pop is tired of alliance interfering on their politics lol

It is impossible witht he archtype now, they cna re-do it entirely but the game will get ultra generic, major core mechanich of the warcraft unvierse is the fight and struggle of major factions.

They act like if their character is more improtant than the core of the game and its brand, whcih would lose a lot of value, as usual happens with brands when you change their core.

Not really you only play and quest and get resources to your faction.

? Hurt because people decidedto play horde due racials?
Cheaper to change the racial system.
And pointless because its player drive, if you want see alliance all day just play on oceanic or china.

The brand is the real value, and its core features are the tensions between the two factions, which have been the major reason we get new exps and patches since wrath. At the core everything is the factions competition.

Not really, cannonically Alliance beats ICC and Horde beats Tempest keep for instance

It endend with a split in the alliance because the night elves want war and nothing else.


Welcome to WoW you must be new here.

Ya as soon as they could they came in with sylvanas is evil and done.
They carries the exp longer than wod at least.

Pretty much this. You STILL have Horde and Alliance, and you still couldn’t just tap-dance into Orgrimmar or Stormwind as the other faction without getting a ‘friendly’ greeting from the guards/npcs…but if say, your best friend had to play Horde and you played as Alliance, you could still talk/group together for quests/dungeons (edit to clarify…obviously you couldn’t level your Horde/Alliance characters together in a Horde/Alliance exclusive questing area, but in SL the 50-60 zones are going to be identical for members of both factions…so what’s the point of not letting people do those zones together?). And they’d still make money off faction transfers if you got tired of ‘not’ being able to tap-dance into the cities of your friend’s faction XD Heck I’m a huge RP nerd and the majority of my characters don’t give a fig about Horde vs Alliance and this character especially probably spent a large amount of time during this past expansion drinking wine with Khadgar in Kharazan >_>


Well then there is always discord… we can still group, just keep the pvp flags off.

I’ve kinda been wondering if someone needs to make a Community for those who want to play cross faction and/or neutral and do what little while we’re allowed, get numbers. IDK it’d probably just end up trolled.

You know what’s hilarious? When I tried ESO, back before they lifted those restrictions, I raised the issue with my guild. “This is kinda stupid and arbitrary”. I said. “What if my character isn’t a part of this war…?”

You know what I got?

Exact same rhetoric you see right now. “This is how it is, it’s the lore, etc. etc. - that would ruin the game…”

You know what happened when they lifted the stupid restriction of having to play with 1/3 of the playerbase? People just played with each other, PvP continued to happen, and despite a few people writhing, within a week you wouldn’t have even known anything happened to begin with.

Keeping players split up is really not as important to a setting as people think it is. You can have a war without arbitrarily gating players from one another.

I will say, I’d actually agree with people arguing for a split if WoW were a primarily PvP focused MMO. It barely was before, and it barely is now…