And all the cutscenes are spoken in common. Try to separate the physical gameplay a bit. They make it really easy. You have to actually not want to get it in order to not get it.
You gotta love when the story’s like “it’s imperative that we stop the Jailer from getting stronger using all these tormented souls” and the gameplay’s like “sure, that guy’s got the wrong color skin, kill 'em and send his soul to hell”.
Apparently, a lot of people are the under the impression that a truce following a war and mass genocide would result in everyone holding hands and singing kumbaya
Good point! Baine should be forced to walk the plank!
You don’t have to destroy the faction identity by allowing others to group with each other. I personally still support the concept of a more neutral faction of sorts that you could possibly join.
So this confirms BFA of being a filler expansion.
I knew it was going to be quite a forgettable expansion but never expected it to forgettable on this level.
I am a bit disappointed as well; due to numerous locked boxes taking up space within my guild bank.
I think its right sighted.
I am sorry but short sighted is changing very core structures of the game due player imbalances caused by players.
Horde is dominant faction on world race first? Sure
Unles syou play oceanic realm which alliance dominates everything.
Same for several asian realms
Orcs killed, murdered, plundered alliance races
Alliance killed, murdered, plundered horde races
It would be completely inorganic if all citizens would be like “you know what whoooo cares lemme drink a beer whit the dude whom chopped of my wife’s head, such is the power of friendship!”
They could make alliance/horde leaders try to make peace but several kingdoms and cities be against it due war crimes and etc and develop a story from it.
You mean the way Americans are allied with the Germans and the Japanese?
Wars end. The next gen moves on.
You realize the faction war was not always a thing and yet the factions remained separated, right? TBC and wotlk existed, they were not fever dreams.
At least they’re maintaining the standard of entirely negating everything that happened in a previous expansion. Something to be said for consistency.
You knew what you were getting into. Go play a different game.
With all due respect no other expansion’s story ended with the explicit effort to end the divide. “For Azeroth” was supposed to mean something - or so we were led like sheep to believe.
That was your chosen interpretation, no one said “we’re uniting and you’re free to walk the streets of Stormwind”. It can very well mean an end for the current conflict and nothing else.
And again, we’ve united “For Azeroth”, most recently during Legion, when factions were less significant than ever, and yet, the factions remained the same.
We WeRe OnLy FoLlOwInG oRdErS, CoMe HaVe TeA wItH tHe hOrDe PlEaSe!!!
Honestly, call me old fashioned, but it’s always been part of the draw for me. I’ve always loved the Us vs Them feel of this game. It’s also why no matter how much I feel like I prefer alliance, I have always leveled a toon of each faction, no matter the expansion, just to see it from the other side.
I am sorry that this upset you guys, but for me I am happy this is unchanged.
I’m sorry about this. I really thought we’d have a more connected, entwined community after the vomit bucket of BfA.
/salute to all the great Alliance and Horde who still work to unite the playerbase.
(I fought alongside a Human this week, I was on my BE Main, and she was a Human Hunter. She pulled, I helped her kill, I pulled, she helped me kill. We emoted, danced and brought out toys; it was a fun hour. This is not an isolated incident, the kindness between players does cross the Horde/ Alliance restrictions. If only we could talk with each other.)
This response really broke my heart, too.
I was hoping to see Horde humans and Alliance Blood Elves.
A logical joining of forces to fight the greater evil.
I wasn’t expecting a complete dissolution of the factions but was hoping more of mutual cooperation moving forward (now that the cycle was supposedly broken) that would allow us to do things with players from the other faction. Disappointing.
its no ones fault but the player base for hanging on that tag line.