Yeah that kind of went out the window in 2012, and 2016 also. Politics used to be something you went out of your way to find, now it’s injected into everything. All roads lead to Rome.
This is not an opinion on his guilt/innocence this is just an observation of many years living on this earth lol. One thing that is confusing to men is the mixed messaging they receive from women, they hear " treat us the same as you treat the guys" then they proceed to get treated like the guys are treated and they are like " no not like that" lol do you ever hear the jokes/topics guys talk about to each other? My opinion of course doesn’t include overt sexual predation just normal banter without a real life consequence component.
We don’t need a “progressive” system that elevates people to positions of power based on race or sex. That’s not progression. That’s regression. The civil rights movement fought to end during the 1960s, and people like you are celebrating its return.
Also, it’s pathetic that Cuomo actually resigned over recent sexual assault allegations, when it’s been known for over a year that he authorized sending thousands of COVID-19 infected senior citizens to nursing homes when he had Navy equipped quarantine ships available to send them to instead. He literally lead to thousands of deaths that could have been prevented, and people didn’t care enough to demand a resignation then.
Oh my god.
The US seriously needs to start doing civics classes again.
There is no “progressive system,” she was Lieutenant Governor, meaning if Coumo died or resigned while in office, she serves the remainder of his term. Which is exactly what happened.
Suddenly your post makes sense lmao.
If he were a Senator or a Representative, then yes, there’d be a special election, not a succession.
But he’s a governor, so there’s a succession.
dont count on progressives to ever accomplish that
When I was younger I made a glove like his, but had to use plexiglass for the blades because it was in shop class.
His real crime was yammering his trap 24/7 on CNN last year as though the thoughts and opinions of one governor for one state were somehow relevant or interesting to the rest of us.
God I hate New Yorkers.
Everyone is all defiant against the vaccine until someone in their family dies. People don’t get that the new strains are mutating because the virus is constantly being passed from one body to the next. It has the possibly of merging with other viruses in someone’s sick body and then that being passed around to a new host.
Frans Townsend to step down and step away from businesses as much as possible. How can anyone see something and downplay it for their own sake.
I know there is no official “General Off Topic”
But I am heated AF that Hardware and Gaming always gets to catch this crap
What are you talking about? The OP was celebrating the fact she was female and saying that was progress.
Stop trying to get outraged over misunderstandings of your own making.
This came right on the heals of the AG report on his harassment as well as the likely hood of him being charged over it. As others have mentioned this could be getting so much news as to hide all the even worse stuff he did.