She was next in the line of succession. That’s all there was to it.
I’ll say this I don’t think that was the main source of Cuomo resigning. It was mainly the nursing homes catastrophe that happen last year. I believe some politician family members died in that facility as well because of Cuomo. If anything that’s where they’re truly getting him at.
Is she good though? You just don’t bring someone in because of their gender. That’s literally having blind faith hoping for the best. That doesn’t make a strong society.
I’m agreeing with Skinwalker. What heresy is this?
Ahh okay…
Likely it was because it’s a political post & has NOTHING to do with WoW except the mention of JAB.
That would be like asking if Kamala Harris is good enough to ascend should something happen to Joe Biden. The lady in question holds an equivalent office and so will become Governor because something has happened to Cuomo. (I’ll admit though, I actually came to read this because I thought he’d either died on his own or took his life because of the impending impeachment. And also how on earth that would relate to J. Allen Brack & Blizzard lol.)
Oh never realized we operated like a kingdom and we had lines of succession. Here I thought in such cases special elections was held.
That’s what always happens in a resignation or the death of a governor.
The next guy in line serves out the remainder of the term.
Isn’t that the guy that once called us all dickbags?
That’s understandable majority of people are clueless on how their government functions but still want to weigh-in on their opinions like they do
The dude sounds like he was a super creep and should step down, i just don’t understand how the Republicans don’t distance themselves from the likes of Matt Gaetz, or even Trump after that audio tape leaked. It’s hard to pretend like you care about an issue when you only get outraged when your political opponent does something wrong.
That’s basically everyone during an election year. Election year everything is about the party not the individual. Which means when something makes the party look bad they try to cover it up.
For example, Demo’s knew about Cuomo right around election time. However having the focus be on him would of been bad for the election.
Not sure about that, but he IS the one who said, “You think you do, but you don’t” when asked if Blizzard would ever re-release Vanilla WoW servers.
I wish I could have been there to serve him a slice of crow pie lol.
Honestly, it’s what a lot of people thought. Vanilla wasn’t really a good game it’s a buggy piece of crap. Most of the enjoyment of it comes from nostalgia. What was underestimated is how much people actually are able to stay addicted to a game simply due to nostalgia.
Same. I’m tired of both. I want to wrap this up so we can talk about something else - preferably game related.
Usually when a Governor or say a President resigns or dies the next highest official in the chain gets bumped up .
So once he leaves office the LT.Governor becomes the Governor for the rest of his term or until they decide if they are going to do a special election .
yeah some reason I was thinking the dude was a senator not govener.
I’m confused cause he’s not dead, he just resigned… in 2 weeks.
I whole-heartedly concur.
Cuomo is finished as a politician. He’ll probably get a show on cnn alongside his brother.
Projection, wherefore art thou? Which one has over 20 credible accusations?