Ring of Valor

Is there an unspoken rule we’ll never talk about this arena again because Blizzard removed it? It was added right away in Wrath and was one of only 5 arenas throughout. Arena certainly feels empty without it.

Blizzard removed Strand of the Ancients in Retail, too, but it is very present in Wrath.

Can we get some Ring of Valor???


They addressed it, it’s bugged and crashes when the platforms raise/lower. Not to mention there was a massive outcry to have it removed at the start of wrath due to how unbalanced it was.

Ring of Valor was a mess, glad its gone. Wish they’d also remove Dalaran Sewers and Lordaeron.

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Doesn’t really matter, it was core to Wrath’s arenas.

did you not read the part where he also said it is bugged?

They addressed it, it’s bugged and crashes when the platforms raise/lower.

So fix it lol, many arena players were long awaiting it

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who said this
ring of valor is fun and flavorful they should just learn to deal with it


With how few people do pvp or arenas anymore I’m surprised they even enabled the number of maps that they did.

IIRC it was flat out removed in 5.1(MoP, brawlers guild replaced it in cities)

looking at the patch history it looks like it was always a buggy mess and was consistently closed and reopened a fair bit until it was shut down and I think replaced in pandaland. They may just not want to re-add it in the original state due to the issues it had originally.

And yet, eles and boomkins are loving their BEM and Dalarsn Sewers maps. Would love a good ol fashion melee cleave map in rotation.

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No because hardcore pvpers are crybabies

Removing ring of valor because you keep losing is the equivalent of blaming your tennis racket when you actually just are playing a better opponent.

ring of valor wasn’t added at the very start of wrath, it was added when conquest as added.

pvp is dead, there is no such thing as hardcore pvpers on classic, it’s 2 streamers that wont be named selling boosts, once you get past 2500 rating its the same 2 people boosting people lol

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It played fine on beta before launch. Personally tested it A LOT. Elevator, pillers, fire, the timing of everything, it all worked fine all beta long. All i did was que skirmishes every day during beta played it over 100x easy. Its not bugged.

Even in original wotlk when mages blink, or warriors charged while standing on the lines on the ground it would bug & they wouldn’t move, but on beta even both of those worked fine.

You people comment with zero first hand experience as long as you’re touting what you think blizzard must have, maybe, possibly said you agree uncritically lmao even IF it was broken, which it’s not btw, then FIX it. I mean its wotlk why are we not getting core wotlk pvp content & gear etc. Isle of Conquest comes with P3 yet no word from blizzard even though theyve mentioned TOC + Ony so Im not optimistic with the track record on pvp content from these goons.

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