Just wanted to ask since you had vanilla experience with Bshout, is the threat generated the same per enemy or does it split between total enemies in combat? I’ve seen people claim both ways and the blue post in the bug report forum about bshout made it sound like it shouldn’t split, but some people said the post meant something else (discussed at the end of this thread: Nerf Battleshout Spam, one person gave a long example of how it worked and claims it spit, but the other guy claims it does not and I found a reddit thread post hotfix that claims threat is split per enemy).
IE: some claim it now doesn’t split at all so threat is something like 55 x 5 (or number of friendlies hit) x 1.3 = 358 threat on every single enemy in combat while others say it’s divided by the number of enemies then so if there were 5 enemies it’d only be ~72 threat per enemy per cast.