Right-click reporting is destroying PvP for players. It's completely toxic and is massively abused

Yeah, I’m not going to argue against that. I’m just here to add reason to this chaotic mess of a forum, which people misidentify as “shilling” for Blizzard.

This forum is not very different from Twitter. People see a video with little to no context or idea of what preceded the 30 second clip they just watched, they then feel the need to automatically jump to conclusions because of their extreme disdain for Blizzard. This is how misinformation is propagated across the playerbase; the lack of logic displayed by these people is befuddling.

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Yeah. I mean that’s just people in general.

Right click reporting is a massive failure, actually have seen some losers pvp via right click reporting. Fun game.

there absolutely used to be, could easily be now

Wrong, there never was. Players have never been able to ban other players by right-click reporting them.

How much damage do you think it would cause to the game if ANYONE could buy up 20~ accounts and multibox them and ban anyone they want. The lack of logic displayed by a large number of people on this forum is disconcerting.

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Many would view your raid leader as a toxic player that has no place in the classic community.

A little hard to do when you don’t know the names of their characters they use to report you with.

I’ve tried to get into their discord but they charge money on PayPal for access to it. No way should PvP be taken that seriously

Why not exactly?

You don’t see having to pay money to get into a discord full of elitist pvpers in order to not get spam reported and banned for getting a high bracket as a problem?

Preaching to the wrong crowd on this forum my man. It’s obvious the issue is this gatekeeping of brackets to begin with, but let’s put the blame on RCR.

No, I don’t. You have in-game mechanics in your disposal to ignore them and do your own thing, or even create your own discord to overthrow them.
They do whatever they want with their discord, being it right or wrong.
In game they just grind honor, you can do the same.

Yeah the Bracket Syndicate gets really pissy when other people have more time of day to pvp than they do, they pay people who multi-box dozens of accounts to carry them to rank 14 then false report people who get high honor through their own efforts.

Nobody is getting carried by multibox accounts to rank 14.

You either don’t know what you’re talking about or are talking about pool bloating which benefits the entire server. People are still grinding out their 500k or 900k or whatever honor is needed each week.

Normally when you talk to a solo queue guy who is getting high honor you’re trying to work with him and educate him about the best way for this PVP system to work. If he goes and does his own thing and you can’t compete you set the caps higher and grind out a little bit more with your premades to where he can’t compete.

In the same way the mob educates business owners on the best way to protect their business, amirite? Either pay your dues or get eliminated.

I don’t have experience with “paying for” anything because this didn’t happen to me either time I ranked to 14. I had natural bracket spots based on my RP alone. The only one who has even gotten my money is Blizzard.

I read the OP and I don’t see anything about payment there either.

Many server bracket leaders are now asking for real money contributions to fund the bracket pump.

I’ve seen people on discord pvp servers admit they bought a rank 14 spot, it happens.

You cant settle for “it happens” it is an abuse of a terrible reporting system

I meant “it happens” as in people paying for pvp boosts, I totally agree with the things you’ve said.

That’s factually objectively incorrect.

Glider used to be the preferred tool for people auto-queuing and then auto-afking in battlegrounds. on the horde side it was insane, up to 50% of the horde players were afk in the cave, with zero consequences. Sometimes people would trying yelling at them but they were afk. Sometimes one of the gliders (that’s what they were called) happened to be checking on their chars and would reply something along the lines of “are you kidding, the AV map is unfair, why the hell would I play it?”. And … unfortunately they weren’t wrong. We all knew it but the people actually playing the AV simply refused to cheat or give up. Over time, auto-afk gliding infested other battlegrounds and it was completely common to have 10-20% afk. It was really hard to win.

Anyway, years later, Blizzard finally intervened with report-afk and it was like a nuclear bomb going off in the game. Horde rushed to AV and other battlegrounds and reported people afk like mad. Fishing in AV? report. In the cave? gone. It was really crazy, we could actually report-afk-nuke people who would try to take Snowfail graveyard. That was actually kind of awesome. Someone said something racist? mass report-afk pooof gone.

That did happen, I was there other people were there.

Eventually Blizzard moved the horde cave back because of the Alliance tears. Oh no, can’t have Horde win. Whatever. That’s off the rails. Point is, if you think that didn’t happen then you weren’t there and just don’t know.