Right Click Report - Not Going Away

Did you have a problem with the right-click report system in the last 12 years it’s been active? Why such the hard stance now?

Not you.

And we are all bound by a draconian wording filter that prevents what you’d like to be saying. And even then you managed to push the boundaries enough for a GM to give you a 2 week timeout.

Also, I’m pretty hard to offend.

Well I quit after cata. Other than a 3 week return to see how bad WoD was.

Frankly people are a lot more easily offended these days than they were in 2011.

Also I thought the entire purpose of these server was to recreate the 2004 feel…

Which is perfectly fine if the one(s) determining whether you are actually breaking the rules and implementing any punishment are neutral parties. I have no problem with rcr as long as any punishment, no matter how “trivial” some might find it, is handled by a neutral party actually viewing the behavior in question and ruling on it and not some blatantly abusable system like the auto-squelch.

Well the only difference in something being “offensive” and being “not offensive” is how petty you want to be about it, or how much you intend to let misc people online get to you.

Using “someone might be offended” as a rule in and of itself is a pretty absurd concept. I’d be fine with an itemized list. Still can’t get behind RCR as anything other than an extended and possibly temporary ignore list however.

These days people use “offensive” and “something I disagree with” rather interchangably.

Oh, no. The entire purpose was to recreate the mechanics, not the feel.

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People have always been offended over things. Back in the day people would get offended when a colored person would drink out of the same water fountain as them.

This pretty much.

RCR turn conversation into “you need to talk a popularity vote to speak.”

I frankly don’t care if 70% of the people reading what I say disagree with me, or if 1/4 of those people get offended. I’m not running for office I’m trying to have a damn conversation.

That’s all it is until a GM comes around and looks at what you said…

The difference is the auto squelch.

Not when there’s an auto-squelch system attached to it that takes action independently of any moderators…

Most of the people in chat will be neutral parties.

Amazingly only a few select outlier players seem to have an issue with boundaries in a public social setting. If you are actually feeling threatened by this, sorry, but it’s all on you.

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The auto-squelch has been attached to the right-click report system since it was implemented in May of 2007.

How outraged were you in the in the years following while you played the game? Will I find your posts speaking out against the system? Are you just hopping on a streamer outrage bandwagon?

You’re fine with people reporting you and then a GM banning you instead of a silence then?

You’re fine with Blizzard’s rules against vulgar language?

That depends. 2007 vulgar or 2019 vulgar?

You can always find some private circles where you can say precisely what you want. If the masses deem something inappropriate in a public channel then you should watch what you say there. Not everything is appropriate for every arena.

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It’s not the masses deciding.

It’s the offended 2%.

Takes far more than 2% to squelch someone.

Does it take more than 50%?

Otherwise I don’t think “masses” applies here.