Rift Pets Any Good?

I don’t do pet battles very much, and definitely don’t play against other people. I am kind of a collector though, so I’m curious if any of the new rift pets are worth getting. Currently I’m using Anub?Crawdad and Chrom I believe, which tends to get me through most world content.
Also looking for guidance or suggestions on other teams I should experiment with.

Wow, just went to my collection and realized there’s 1700 pets now. I haven’t checked in years, but it looks like I have some more work to do.

My mother was so horrible to me! She always used to say to me, “Why can’t you be like your cousin Walter?” “Why can’t you be like your cousin Walter?

Cousin Walter died at birth!

If you want guidance, just visit Xu-Fu. They have the strats you need to get through any pet battle.

I’d link you, but I can’t post links. Just do a search for Xu-Fu’s Pet Guides.

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Ikky and Unborn Valkyr are great ones to have available as well.

And a Emerald Protodrake…

When the Anniversary comes up, save your Timewarped Badges and buy three of the Timeless Mechanical Dragonling pets. They’ll take down just about anything.

when is wow anniversary?

Anniversary is in November, not sure of exact dates this year.

If you can’t wait for the Dragonlings, they’re not too pricey on AH.

The anniversary is usually around Thanksgiving time frame…Nov 23rd is the date it came out in 2004…

If you’ve got an Ikky (which is a quested pet in Draenor), you should also get Boneshard. I don’t know of a single mechanical boss pet that can stand up to those two.

Also, it should be remembered, Ikky is arguably the most powerful pet in the game when it comes to Boss pets. He’s quite powerful on his own.

I’ll throw my hat in for the Crimson Spore pet. It may seem worthless on its own (and it sorta is), but as an H/H Flyer with a DoT attack (Sting/Fungus), Blinding Powder, and Explode, it works extremely well for many, many PvE/Boss pet battles. 2x Crimson Spores + Ikky basically ensures victory against any single pet.

As for the rift pets, I haven’t really used them yet, but they all seemed pretty unique and good/valuable in their own ways to me. Definitely worth picking them all up (as I think for all pets :P)


Having a capture team is also useful

You want a pet like Terrible Turnip (Weakening Blow) or Grumpy (Superbark) that can take a pet down to 1 hit point without killing it. Makes it easier to capture

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Crimson Spore, as I recall, is useful against several Boss Pets in Tanaan Jungle.

Also Snobold Runt has Weakening Blow. But the best one might be Stemmins. The problem with both the Snobold Runt and the Turnip is that while the Turnip can heal, and the Snobold Runt has a humanoid pet’s regeneration ability, neither one of them seems to hold up well when faced with pets of their own level.

Grumpy is a good choice because he has Howl and Superbark. This combination will likely bring any pet to the capturable stage. Devastating damage, but will not go below 1 hp. But there’s a whole bunch of pets with Superbark now. Miloh looks interesting because he also has Dazzling Dance, which means he’ll get to go first, usually.

As far as new pets go, was wondering what people think about Newsy? You get it when you max out Niffen renown.

It’s a snail/critter, but it has 374 power, with pump and can double up on shields. Seems like it might be a good elemental killer.

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I’ll be putting out a video tomorrow on the Time Rift pets. A couple of them have some nice potential ^^

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Killbot is definetly a good pet. It has better stats than microbot XD, which is a very common pet in most strats.

The Clockwork Gnome with his Build Turret is definitely a pet worth getting.
Also, an Infected Squirrel and a Nether Faerie Dragon are other pets I’d recommend having.

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Here you go: https://youtu.be/YcPilQgg2ac

Tl;dr - Killbot 9000 best of them all, N’Ruby not worth it for battles.


Obsidian Warwhelp looks to have the same moveset as TMD, which is a very heavily used pet. But this new pet looks to have an H/S breed when TMD is P/P. So it won’t pack the same punch. But is a poor man’s alternative if you didn’t pick up TMD.

TMD is only 200 timewarped badges during the annual anniversary event which are easily acquired doing two timewalking dungeon events.

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Thanks for the video, very informative.

Another good pet to try Killbot on would be Bristlespine (This Little Piggy Has Sharp Tusks.)

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