Ridiculous AB Matchmaking

https ://imgur.com/a/wkSQ9mb

Tell me how it’s fair to go up against 6 druids and 4 paladins? This is not an infrequent occurrence. You guys need to fix this kind of crap. Not only is the matchmaking broken, but these 2 classes are ridiculously overpowered. I’ve posted so many times on it, but I will continue, even if you do nothing about it. Paladins have WAY too much survivability for the amount of damage they do (along with a stun and incapacitate). Druids likewise have endless mobility and will annihilate any class in 2 casts.

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You posted like five time about it, but that was all in one thread. You need to branch out.

You need to make posts! This is a good start. But you need to do several a day. That way the community has the chance to appreciate your message. I would also post about this on other forums as well, because some SOD people may not be here to look at this one. You should do Twitter and reddit—cover everything. People need to know about class imbalance in SOD


I imagine if they only kept a certain spots open for certain classes, queue times would become even more ridiculous than they already are. For horde, it can be up to 40 minutes. That figure might triple.

Am I supposed to feel pity for you or something?


No one reads these forums.

None of them are healers, it’s alliance!

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Yes. This man wants and needs to be heard. I am all about helping make that happen.

Yes. I will amend my previous statement. No one reads these forums. Go post on twitter if you are trying to be heard :wink:

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Nerf Shaman please!


Roll alliance and give it a go, can’t wait till you run into a shaman.


it’s nearly instant in a party

The classes that usually keep all those others in check, I’ll give you a hint what they are: Gogue, Varrior. Yeah these 2 are endangered species. You never physically see the Rogues and there’s only 1 Warrior per game.

This makes no sense. Where are the shadow priests that are so OP I hear?

U need to see this below.

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As far as I’m aware, Shamans don’t have:

  • A full immunity that lasts 10 seconds (don’t forget, you’re still doing massive damage while nobody can do anything to you)
  • An instant, full heal
  • Plate armor
  • A stun
  • An incapacitate
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Are you aware that:

(1) the spell has a 5 min cooldown which can be used only once in a fight, and most of the classes (especially classes like mage) can easily run away from RET, a wheelchair spec, during its duration;

(2) the instant heal consume all Mana and has a one hour cool down so if u see one popin that heal, u are actually “lucky”;

(3) Plate armor is irrelevant to so many classes doing magic damage which account for half of all classes; and for classes that does melee damages, most have other advantages against RET;

(4) a stun which can be trinketed by anyone that does a bit of PVP right now; and

(5) an incapacitate that lasts for a very short duration which is the ONLY gap closer that a RET has (and seriously, without it, a RET will have to pop the bubble in order to try to catch others like mage)?

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A 5-minute CD spell can be used 4-5 times per AB, per Paladin. Therefore, it’s an enormous advantage. I don’t make my assessments based on 1v1 PVP, since we’ve long been told that that’s now how it’s designed.

Imagine loseing to alliance in bgs :rofl::rofl:


B-b-but Paladins can be immune to all damage at best 4% of the time!

I would love to know where you learned math.

Divine Shield lasts 12 seconds on a 5 minute cooldown. That is the only ability they have that allows them to be completely immune to all damage and still do damage. It’s the one Horde is always crying about. Blessing of Protection can be dispelled and only makes the Paladin immune to physical damage, something you as a Mage doesn’t have to care about.

Did you not know that 4% of 300 seconds is 12 seconds? Even if we take into account Divine Protection, a Paladin is immune to all damage for 6.67% of the time. However, Divine Protection cannot be used back to back with Divine Shield and Divine Protection doesn’t allow using all damage sources while it is up. The amount of time that a Paladin is immune to all damage is small.

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