Ride the Lightning removal - Enh shaman PvP

Going to go over why Ride the Lightning is so important for Stormbringer Enhance in PvP, and why I agree with the removal of it from PvP talents but also think it needs to be baked in somewhere else.

Why is the outcome of removing Ride the Lightning so negative especially for Stormbringer?
-Not having Ride the Lightning means less Awakening Storms procs which leads to less Tempest casts and no AoE application of Lightning Rod (in 11.1) consistently which is something we’ve been wanting badly since Lightning Rod does no damage single target. It practically feels useless in PvP.
-Finally getting Chain Lightning to AoE apply Lightning Rod while losing the talent that allows Enhance to constantly use Chain Lightning (passively) feels really bad. We do not cast Chain Lightning over Lightning Bolt in any situation, and since Lightning Rod lasts 8 sec it would require too many casts of Chain Lightning to keep it up anyway, we’d lose too much single target damage.

-It takes flavor away from Stormbringer in PvP. Having Chain Lightnings going off so frequently just adds so much to the theme of Stormbringer.

If its so important, why do I agree with its removal from PvP talents?
-Enh shamans have a lot of important PvP talent options already between Burrow, Shamanism, Grounding Totem, Static Field Totem and Stormweaver. Shamanism and Burrow are both practically must-pick talents, leaving us with a flexible option between Grounding/Static/Stormweaver, however with Ride the Lightning having so much importance and Shamanism being a must-pick, it forces Enh Shamans to pick between Burrow/Grounding which feels terrible. The removal of this talent frees up that flexible spot and we can now take Burrow permanently, and choose between Grounding/Static/Stormweaver which feels good.

What could be done to help remedy losing something so vital to Stormbringer in PvP?
-My personal ask is for this to be baked into Crash Lightning. Crash Lightning feels redundant as it kind of does the same thing twice, aoe frontal damage into aoe frontal damage which is a little on the boring side. As a side note, both parts of Crash Lightning being AoE frontal damage make this quite annoying to use consistently in PvP with all the constant movement.

-I would love to see Ride the Lightning baked into that second portion of Crash Lightning, for example: “Hitting 2 or more targets charges your weapons for 12 sec, causing Stormstrike, Ice Strike and Lava Lash to cast Chain Lightning at your target at x% reduced effectiveness”. This would give Crash Lightning interaction with the Stormbringer tree in both PvE and PvP as it really should have since its a huge thematic ability for Stormbringer especially with its new animation. Also Crash Lightning seems to accompany Chain Lightning regarding talents (Voltaic Surge in Stormbringer tree and Crashing Storms in spec tree) despite having no actual interaction with Chain Lightning, this would give these two abilities some fun interaction.

-If the above is not seen as a good solution, then ideally it can get baked in somewhere else, ie maybe Static Accumulation or Thorims Invocation can also do something like “when you use lightning bolt at 10 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon, you also cast Chain Lightning at x% reduced effectiveness”. Essentially Enhance in PvP just needs a way to have some passive Chain Lightnings consistently, and this can be done in a way that positively impacts PvE.


definitely need some help here @ devs. ride the lightning does so much for Stormbringer builds in pvp and again, even with it, Stormbringer is slightly behind Totemic.

it gives us a lot more awakening storms procs allowing for more tempest casts which is very important. and in 11.1 as mentioned here it would be a way for stormbringer enh to finally spread lightning rod in pvp which we haven’t been able to do at all which has felt bad because lightning rod is pretty bad single target in pvp, does less damage than just about everything. the exciting prospect of being able to finally have lightning rod cleave cosnsitently goes away with the removal of passive chain lightning casts. enh needs a way to have chain lightning cast passively, and it can be done in a better/more fun way than ride the lightning for sure.

please do something to make up for the loss of ride the lightning in pvp for stormbringer enhance. i like baking it into the spec tree somehow, that could definitely work and could be cool in pve too as it would be thematic to stormbringer.


all blue lightning enjoyers agree

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Its definitely a pretty big deal, randomly about to have way less tempest casts next patch which will suck. Not tryina play totemic in pvp just don’t like it, really could use this baked in somewhere in the spec tree.

it could also be added to crash lightning without removing the frontal aoe from weapons portion.

example of that: “Hitting 2 or more targets charges your weapons. Stormstrike, Ice Strike and Lava lash deal x damage to all targets in front of you and cast a chain lightning at your target for x% of normal damage”.

this gives some needed interaction to crash lightning and Stormbringer in both pve and pvp while keeping some of the power behind ride the lightning for pvp. this also gives Crash lightning and Chain lightning an interaction which would be great, odd that they don’t have one. also looks thematic especially for stormbringer. would make crash really fun to press.

This is important for Stormbringer enh in PvP please bring forward a bit of compensation for losing this.

please make Crash Lightning interact more with Stormbringer. Add passive chain lightning casts at reduced effectiveness to the second portion of Crash Lightning. this allows Crash lightning to have actual interaction with stormbringer via Awakening Storms. Would help with the loss of ride the lightning in pvp too.

Really need the devs working on shaman to notice this as an issue. Losing Ride the Lightning is very bad for Stormbringer pvp. Not only do we lose chain lightning damage, but we also lose Awakening Storms procs which means less Tempest casts, which also means less nature wolves out.

Please find a way to incorporate some passive chain lightning casts into Enhs playstyle or at least into the Stormbringer tree. Maybe add something to Voltaic Surge like “Crash Lightning now also causes your weapons to cast Chain Lightning at your target for 8 seconds” or something.

I know this is mostly for pvp and it is asking the devs to go out of their way, but that would be fun in pve as well and give crash some actual interaction with Stormbringer. Ride the Lightning got removed but we cant just remove talents like that without figuring out compensation. Totemic already pulls ahead of Stormbringer due to its many drawbacks vsing Disarms and CC since it has an easy CD window to stop, this just hurts the viability of it further.

Please find a way to incorporate passive Chain Lightning casts into Enhancement. Losing ride the lightning will hurt stormbringer a lot in pvp, and Stormbringer has no actual interaction with Crash Lightning right now, Crash Lightning has no interaction with Chain lightning or Stormbringer.

My request for that would be updating the Voltaic Surge talent in the Stormbringer tree: “Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning damage increased by 15%. Crash Lightning now causes Stormstrike to cast Chain Lightning at your target for 8 seconds at x% reduced effectiveness”.

That would give needed interaction between Stormbringer, Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning. The chain lightning casts would give awakening storms procs leading to more tempests, which all comes from using crash lightning. It would also be very thematic and fun. It is important to make Crash Lightning more exciting to use as it is being pushed more, and Stormbringer enhance shamans should -want- to take it anyway as it’s very thematic. The reduced effectiveness % can be the tuning nob to ensure this isn’t too powerful.

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Hope to see something in the notes for this eventually. Enhance changes overall have been absolutely amazing, there’s just two things remaining to worry about imo which would be this issue (ride the lightning removal with no baseline or baked in replacement, ideas for that mentioned above) and the loss of AG with no actual personal defensive compensation.

Still nothing regarding this, its a big loss in BG blitz and arena for Stormbringer, and Stormbringer is already behind Totemic due to how easy it is to counter during its CDs (Ascendance and Doom winds are very susceptible to Disarm and damage outside of those is not great).

Can we get something to compensate for the passive Chain Lightnings/less Tempest casts from the removal of this talent