Rich Thorium Veins

Okay so this is a bit of rant.

So, after mining 32 arcane crystals over the last few weeks for pre-bis gear as a warrior, I’ve noticed a few issues with Rich thor veins.
Back in retail classic, and on every other “server” I have played on in the past, rich thorium veins are ALWAYS 3-6 taps per node. On classic, I have a frequency of 2 taps about 70% of the time. I may be wrong, but this isn’t right. Veins are almost always 2 taps, and 3 taps if they’re not 2.
I get a vein with 4 taps maybe 2-3% of nodes… and 5 taps way less.

On top of this- arcane crystals drop way less as well. I may just be salty… idk what do you guys think.

Am I just super unlucky? Cursed? Or are other people noticing this as well.

Noticed the same

The whole point of rich thorium was the yield. In my experience they appear to be pretty much on par with the smaller veins.

That is odd, actually.

Maybe make a bug report?

Small thorium usually only has one tap as well. I can’t remember if it was like this, so I have not made any claims about it, but it feels off.

The taps seem low. Not only that, arcane crystals now sell for more on my server than black lotus. That’s how rare rich thorium taps are. This shouldn’t happen ever. I mined for two straight hours yesterday, and only got 14 ore and no gems. Expect ore prices to rise quickly, even with DM east giving two, that’s an hour of play for 4 taps.

An hour? My friends and I used to 3-man DM East in 15 minutes… and none of us had high end raid gear. Its absurdly easy.

A bug report was made 18 days ago and has a lot of replies. Rich Thorium Veins only dropping 2 thorium

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This is how it was pre 1.12 in Vanilla.

The max number of taps on Rich nodes was always 4 in Vanilla, and as little as 2. Small nodes were also 1 or 2 taps.

That’s how Blizzard rolls

You’re a little late to the party. Search is your friend.

Feels like these things were intentionally lowered. Maybe they will change it back to original values in a later phase.