Ribbons not appearing for fashion frenzy

We all were waiting at the table and none of the ribbons appeared to vote


The first time I did this, I tried to click on a ribbon (there were only 2 on the table), I got an error and the ribbon disappeared. I clicked the other one and it worked, but something was wrong if only 2 ribbons were visible to me to start with and one was unclickable.

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I’ve only tried the event once. A few people had their transmogs ready, but no ribbons appeared, and no prompts from the NPC on stage. Everyone who tried to go up, got ported off. This lasted until the next event was announced (story time.)


Just came here from a bugged Fashion Frenzy to mention this - it’s still very much happening.


Yep,…same. Did it once. Then went back and the 2nd and 3rd time,…no ribbons showed up at all and the event never “completes”.


Same… we need a GM to help us…


Still bugged today, ribbons never showed


1st time catching this event, and its bugged. No ribbons i guess :confused:
On top of LFR raid bugs and dark iron lore achievement bug im having a frustrating time.


Blizz too busy hitting fun classes with nerfs instead of fixing their new event… shows nothing gets tested and priorities are wrong.


Ribbons not appearing, still bugged!


Can confirm that ribbons did not spawn on Earthen Ring (US) at the 11:15am Fashion Frenzy event.

As of today, still bugged. No ribbons appearing.

just did it Ribbons appeared for my realm A52

still happening here.

try realm hoping

happening to me currently. i hope they fix this soon. i’d like to get the achievement before then event ends…

This post is 9 days old but people keep posting to it… it’s not happening to me anymore

Still happening.

Noticed this a couple days ago and today today was the first time I’d been back since then - this is STILL happening. No-one can vote.

Its hit or miss. When this happens, the category message freezes above the stage and stays there. Then no ribbons appear.

Hit or miss whether anything works anymore, just lower your expectations and you should be good.

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