Rezan dies?

Me and my friend are making Horde (and tbh we are liking it :P)

We are just doing Zuldazar now and it feels so bad seeing Rezan get LITERALLY melted. No fight no nothing.

The great Loa that basically threatens Bwonsamdi into restoring King Rastakan’s soul.

also uhh you know how we’re meant to take King Rastaken to safety.
I failed it and for like the last 20 minutes I was wondering how to get King Rastakan back. You have to abandon and take the whole quest again :rofl:


as soon as u go near him it’s damage equal to 55 times ur health


His story is not finished. It continues in SL.

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Shall we give Zyraene a hint to his fate in Shadowlands?

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That’s a blessing! I feel like he is kinda gipped though I am queued for Atal’Dazar now for the quest so I hope to get revenge.

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This thread is a nice wholesome end to a hilarious day.


Ye… he does…

N guess wha spoiler alert jesus dies in the bible :dizzy_face:

Yes, he died.

And then his soul died in Shadowlands.

There’s no more Rezan.

He did get to give his superpowers to Vol’jin before ceasing to exist though so there’s that.


Christ also arose, setting all in Him free from the penalty of death.

Way to spoil it for the OP…


Yeah but in Christianity, there’s the trinity, which translates to 3 lives in video games. And Rezan’s only died twice so he’s on his last life! Go Rezan!

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Eh, the Trinity is more like, God is the player, the Spirit is the hardware, and the Son is your character. (if we’re making gamer analogies, instead of saying God is the programmer.)

nah it’s all good ! coincidentaly just up to that part now since i’m a night fae

I think it is a bit of a weird thing since loa are normally naturally reborn (Shadra was sacrificed twice before). I wish they’d go into what forces pulled them from Emerald dream rebirth to the maw but meh.


These writers have ripped my heart out more times than I can count. You get used to it.

That’s like the whole story of shadowlands; the Arbiter got shut down and all the souls were falling into the Maw. Including the loa, and the night elves killed in BFA.

That was bfas storyline for the horde. Thats why it failed. You need positive and negative outcomes not just negative. Too depressing of a story.

While that’s true it seems a twist on what we would normally consider the cycle of the wild gods. Rather than it feeling natural their inclusion within the Shadowlands seems more of an afterthought.

We could speculate that in the past the Arbiter had sent Shadra back for the intents of those still devoted to her, but it would be great if we had more information (as lore) especially regarding in how Loa death/rebirth prior to the actions of the Jailor.

RIP Rezan, he gave his soul for the cause.
Whatta lame way to send him off in SL.

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I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. What you’re suggesting isn’t speculation. That is how it normally works for loa, wild gods, or any other being considered a powerful servant of nature - their soul gets sent to Ardenweald and put into a wildseed. The seed is fed with anima until they are ready to be reborn in the world of the living. But because the cycle was broken, Rezan, Shadra, Hir’eek, and whoever else ended up in the maw instead.

While it is a lot of new lore in shadowlands elaborating on it, the foundations were already there. We saw Cenarius brought back to life during Cataclysm.

Continues is a strong word :frowning:

Ahh I see that. Haven’t quite done it yet but I’ve looked into it after reading your response.

That seems to make more sense now.