Rexxar Alliance Reconnections

Cobretti you still playing? Started a low level Shaman on Fairbanks a few months ago, check randomly but never see you or any “Death Status” guys online. Hit me back either here or in game mail on Alliance side Westfall (East Coast Server).

Woah, Havent seen tha name in forever. Played with you in Small union of Pals. Seis (Warrior) Terriarde (Feral Druid)

Alot of old names in here!

This is Nevermind - was in CDG, PSSC, and TE at varying times.
I’m playing on Myzrael now (in Classic) if there’s any folks that happen to be there.

Saw a few Twilight posts, TBL and past members of each. Played with Twilight as Nelf Hunter Shadowmyst, raided with the Burning Legion under the same name. I still have the SS of our Illidan Kill.
Faction changed in 2009 to Cabal of the Dark Lady, renamed Shad.

Some alts are still on the server, retail main is on Bleeding Hollow but largely unplayed.

Currently playing Shàd on Benediction Classic.

Maime 19 twink rogue
Guild Suks For You
Looking for any old twinks or friends…
Whitewidow, Hellyee

I was shorthammer back in the day amigo, I remember unbroken and unbreakable

Not sure if anyone was in Unbroken, Unbreakable, Amon Ra, Grace of Ares but I was there for years on Shorthammer the gnome rogue. Also had my buddies I went to high school that were in Unbroken with me back in the day too that I lost touch with.

Been playing on Rexxar since Vanilla. Not too much into Retail these days, but currently on Benediction for Classic.

Feezinous - NE Priest
Feecrest - Gnome Mage
Feezuz - NE Druid

Hopped around in several guilds including Guild Of Hard Knocks, Escape From Reality, Deacs Of Collins, Dirty Deeds, Destiny Awaits.

I may still have that soundboard saved on one of my old externals. The one that cracked me up was about eating chips.


Dork. Where’s DNasty?

Characters: Most Notable ones
Dagerwind - NE Priest
Aeus - Dreanai Shaman
Velir - NE Druid
Roreenn - Dwarf Paladin
Sleight - Gnome Rogue
Alvarez - Human/Worgen Warrior

Guilds : Coupe De Grace / Boondock Saints / Unbreakable

Currently Playing TBC Classic - Mankrik - Horde

oh yeah i remember the podel sound board we laughed about it alot in paragon lol

oh man the times i remember from back in classic and tbc was mostly known on my nelf druid tank Natureshift/Skillshift raiding with paragon back in the day.

The man the myth The LEDGEND
Natureshift/Skillshift here your fav bear tank :slight_smile:

Hey Zarreth!!
I was in The Burning Legion, too! Philtodeath. If you remember me, it was probably as a very emotional teenager… What are you up to these days?

Hey buddy!

I was in The Burning Legion, too. Philtodeath.

Cool that you’re still buddies with Tubble. I remember him too!

Character name - Philtodeath
Guild - The Burning Legion

It’s been a very long time. TBL was my home the moment I first logged on to WoW. My cousin, Sirtee helped make that happen. I met some amazing people and it’s been so long since I’ve spoken to any of them. If you guys are still out there, I’m sending out some love and hello’s!

Hayes - dwarf priest
Aengeist - dwarf warrior
Kajas - dranei shaman

Played from 05-08

Guilds were Knights of Illusion and Calamitous Intent

I adventured with a dwarf hunter named Lawver, who is sadly no longer with us.