Rework tanks to be a support role

tanks have no in to pvp besides rbgs and only ones that are ever taken are guardian druids. this needs to change.


not seeing this as a problem


Guardian druid is mediocre at best. Vdh is the only real meta tank, guardians can kinda sit bases IG, but theyre worse at that than bdk/brew also.

If they can make it so tanks die to the majority of melee, have at it. Since that will likely never happen, they can stay useless. Fewer things more frustrating than having to fight a tank in arena on any level.

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warhammer online did them right, they could effectively soak 50 % of the damage on their guard target, tons of debuffs, low cd knockdowns / knockbacks, different tanks had better spells / talents vs casters or melee





simply buff brewmaster

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He didnt mention that they die like frost dks do now to melee.

Tanks should all have an option via talents to be some sort of melee healer (and barred from queueing with healers, but not against) so we have more FW style specs and a larger healer pool

That is good. Tanks dont belong in arena

Every tank needs a Gladiator Stance button for PvP that turns them into a dps.

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this is how brew used to be before they giga nerfed Guard and forced us into cheese.

And it was way more fair surprisingly enough.

ofc you dont lol youre biased.

Tanks functioning as supports is, like, the issue people have with them.

Physical =/= melee

Have you ever tried to convince adroi that the sky is blue and water is wet

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The DR system is different in warhammer online, you can be rooted on a DR, knockback on a dr and a stun / silence on a DR. If you get hit by one you’re immune for 30 seconds. its more of a 6v6 / 24 vs 24 type game

Blizzard must never take their foot off the neck of tanks. As soon as they do they will roll over, slowly rise to one knee, use both hands to push off of it to stand up, and then immediately trample over everyone causing as much misery and destruction as possible until they are once again subdued. Heed this warning or pay the consequences.

Sounds fun if its anything like swtors old tank design. Granted it was for rbgs and 4v4 arena.

I liked the aspect of guard swapping and cross ccing tank and mugging the guy they just un-guarded. Especially if it requires proximity /positioning to take effect. .com /watch?v=JZs6aq-vZdk&ab_channel=Zorvax

A server still exists but its in europe it seems

I dont play tank, but they pay their $15 a month just like anyone else.